
Conference Review: 8th Spanish Experimental Archaeology Workshop

Javier Baena Preysler 1
Publication Date
During the penultimate week of September a new Experimental Archaeology Workshop was held in the city of Caspe (Zaragoza, Sain). Organised by several institutions, including the Fundación Fernando El Católico, the City Hall of Caspe, the University of Zaragoza and the Diputación of Aragón, this was the...

Conference Review: Reconstructive & Experimental Archaeology Conference REARC 2012

Darrell Markewitz 1
Publication Date
REARC Conferences
***The third annual Reconstructive & Experimental Archaeology (Re-Arc) Conference was hosted by the Schiele Museum of Natural History at Gastonia North Carolina, USA, 19-21 October 2012. Although the cost of the conference itself was minimal ($35 pre-registered, $20 for students) the large travel distances within North America always...

Event Review: the Stone Age in a Space Cruiser

Wulf Hein 1
Publication Date
The Jeongok Prehistory Museum in South Korea. Like a stranded UFO the building is settled between the hills at a river, the sun reflects off the metal outer skin. Standing in the entrance area, you feel as though you are in a film by Stanley Kubrick, but as you pass through into the structure it is a surprise to find yourself outside in the middle of the African savannah...

Kalòs - l’Archeodromo del Salento (IT)

Member of EXARC

Archeodromo Kalòs is a vast landscape park themed with experimental archaeology. It was founded by Meridies. They present a mixture of history and art and offer a journey to the origins of this region: the Messapi, Greeks and Romans, "in a place where nature and myth merge."

How many times we happen to think about what life was like when electricity, water and communications were not at hand? Would you like to take a step back in time? Today you can. The path runs from prehistory to the Middle Ages.

Arqueopinto (ES)

Member of EXARC

Arqueopinto is an area of two hectares of land located south of the city of Madrid. It is municipally owned and managed by the Paleorama Company. Visitors come from all over Spain, though mainly from the central area. It has a clear school and family vocation although there are also courses for adults on prehistoric technology (ceramic, lithic knapping, basketry, etc.).

Arqueopinto is an area of two hectares of land located south of the city of Madrid. It is municipally owned and managed by the Paleorama Company. Visitors come from all over Spain, though mainly from the central area. ...

Conference Review: III Congrès Internacional d’Arqueologia Experimental

Sara Graziano 1
Publication Date
From 17 - 19 October 2011 in Banyoles, Spain, the third international congress of experimental archeology took place, organized by the Asociacion Experimenta. Banyoles 2011 was a very intense conference, with over 50 speakers in three days, the quality of presentations was particularly high, as well as the presence of young, skilled and passionate researchers...