Featured in the EXARC Journal

Ancient Technology

Drying Meat Today as During the Late Glacial Period

Edoardo Ratti 1 ✉,
Valeria Cosma 2
Publication Date
Western Europe during the Upper Palaeolithic, between 42,000 years ago and 12,000 years ago, was sparsely wooded, but later there was an increase in the percentage of specimens of birch, abies, fagus and tilia hosting wildlife similar to that already present during the Middle Palaeolithic. With the recent phase, starting from 24,000 years ago, humans in this territory become specialized...

The Quality of the Craft

Paul Eklöv Pettersson 1
Publication Date
In this study the sustainability of crucibles used during the Scandinavian Bronze Age is tested. Due to the crucible’s high or low sustainability the idea of it being a disposable object may be ratified or discarded. Earlier experiments focusing on the casting process in Scandinavian Bronze Age have concluded that crucibles such as the ones used during Bronze Age were disposable objects due...

Recreating the Fonseca Hairstyle

Janet Stephens 1
Publication Date
Roman women’s hairstyles of the late first century AD are notable for their voluminous frontal hair. Described by Juvenal as “tiers upon tiers” of curls (Sat. 6. 502-3), and by Martial as a “circle of hair” (Ep. 2.66.1) the development of this style is epitomized by the portrait of an anonymous woman known as the Fonseca bust...