United Kingdom

Celebrate the Start of the Celtic New Year ‘Samhain’

United Kingdom

Enjoy a family day out in a unique outdoor setting at Celtic Harmony Camp, a small open air museum, with thatched roundhouses located in beautiful native woodland. Celebrate the start of the Celtic New Year ‘Samhain’ with a day of activities

Celtic Samhain in the Crannog Centre

United Kingdom

A magical daytime event not to be missed!

Celebrate the day when the veil between the spirit world and the mortal world disappears, when the last of the harvest has been brought in, and the winter begins. Sit between the land and the water on the Crannog and warm your feet by the fire while you listen to stories and songs. 

An Introduction to Flintknapping

United Kingdom

This course aims to teach the basics of flintknapping. The course is targeted at complete beginners. Attendees will be introduced to a range of flaked stone tools, learn about the properties of knappable material like flint and the principals of flake removal using soft and hard hammers. They will make basic stone tools during the session that they can take away. 

Holly King - An Ancient Midwinter Celebration

United Kingdom

A special experience for families to join the ancient midwinter celebration of the Holly King. In the dark, cold days of midwinter the holly tree grows green in the forest. When the summer trees have lost their leaves, the Holly King stands guard over the forest and its birds and animals, caring for them during the winter.

An Evening with the Warriors – Mead, Music and Storytelling with the Saxons

United Kingdom

Don’t miss the unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the sights and sounds of the Dark Ages for an evening of outdoor performance at Butser Ancient Farm this September with Herigeas Hundas Saxon reenactment group.

All profits from this fundraising event will go to support our research and educational work in these very challenging times.  

Enhancing the Accuracy of Use Interpretation: The Discovery of a New Wear Formation with the Complementary Methods of Experimental Archaeology and Use-Wear Analysis

Amber Roy 1
Publication Date
11th EAC Trento 2019
***Experimental archaeology and use-wear analysis are methods used together to understand aspects of an object’s life, such as manufacture and use. This paper demonstrates the benefits of analysing use-wear through experiments. It presents the results of experiments which were carried out to test the use of battle-axes and axe-hammers...