Iron Age

Keltendorf Mitterkirchen (AT)

Member of EXARC

At Mitterkirchen, in the local area called Lehen you will get acquainted with the life back 2700 years ago, in the Iron Age period referred to as the Hallstatt Era. Excavations of about 80 graves took place here in the 1980s leading to the construction of an archaeological open-air museum with over 20 houses and workshops.

At Mitterkirchen, in the local area called Lehen you will get acquainted with the life back 2700 years ago, in the Iron Age period referred to as the Hallstatt Era. Excavations of about 80 graves took place here in the 1980s leading to the construction of an archaeological open-air museum with over 20 houses and workshops...

From Celtic Village to Iron Age Farmstead: Lessons Learnt from Twenty Years of Building, Maintaining and Presenting Iron Age Roundhouses at St Fagans National History Museum

Steve Burrow 1
Publication Date
OpenArch Special Digest 2015 Issue 2
***This article summarises the main issues that were faced in running a group of reconstructed Iron Age roundhouses as an educational and visitor resource at St Fagans National History Museum from 1992 until 2013. Plans to build a new Iron Age farmstead at St Fagans are then outlined along with the steps...

Tangible and Intangible Knowledge: the Unique Contribution of Archaeological Open-Air Museums

Linda Hurcombe 1
Publication Date
OpenArch Special Digest 2015 Issue 2
***Over the years my personal research interests have focussed on the less tangible elements of the past, such as gender issues, perishable material culture, and the sensory worlds of the past, but all of these have been underpinned by a longstanding appreciation of the role experimental archaeology can play as...

Event Review: Terra Ibèrica Festival in Calafell: a Backward Glance Through the Years (2010-2014)

Manel Gómez Gutiérrez 1
Publication Date
OpenArch Special Digest 2015 Issue 2
***Terra Ibèrica [Iberian Land], the biggest event held at La Ciutadella Ibèrica of Calafell (Tarragona, Spain), is one of the highlights in the calendar of activities of this Iron Age reconstructed archaeological site...

Skupina STIK (SI)

Member of EXARC

Skupina STIK is a group of archaeologists that created a centre for experiential archaeology, called ARHEOFAKT. The centre represents a department within the cover research institute and is involved in reconstructions and presentations of life in the past. Our mission is the popularisation of experimential archaeology and archaeology in general.

Skupina STIK is a group of archaeologists that created a centre for experiential archaeology, called ARHEOFAKT. The centre represents a department within the cover research institute and is involved in...

Summer Camp for Experimental Archaeology in the Eindhoven Museum (NL)

Lasse van den Dikkenberg 1
Publication Date
Every year the Dutch Youth Association for History (NJBG) organizes several summer camps for children and young adults. Since the Eindhoven Museum was founded in 1982 the Workgroup for Experimental Archaeology (WEA) has organised activities in the museum which are concerned with experimental archaeology.

Conference Review: Was it all worth it? Archaeological Reconstructions Between Science and Event

Roeland Paardekooper 1
Publication Date
On the 3 February 1990, as the Iron Curtain dropped and the border between Bavaria and Bohemia opened, three archaeologists from both countries met. One year later they managed to get 27 participants together and soon the archaeological working group East Bavaria, West- and South Bohemia (and latter also Upper Austria) was a fact.

Book Review: Experimentelle Archäologie in Europa, Bilanz 2014

Christian Horn 1
Publication Date
Annual Proceedings of the EXAR Tagung
***Volume number 13 of the periodical Experimentelle Archäologie in Europa. Bilanz contains 215 pages with 18 different articles on a wide variety of subjects. The contributions are presented in four sections: Experiment and Test, Reconstruction Archaeology, Theory and Emanation’, and Short reports...

A Gaulish Throwing Stick Discovery in Normandy: Study and Throwing Experimentations

Luc Bordes 1 ✉,
Anthony Lefort 2,
François Blondel 3
Publication Date
In 2010 archaeological excavations on the pre-Roman site of Urville Nacqueville, Normandy (France) discovered a shaped unknown wooden implement. This boomerang shaped wooden artefact, dated from 120 to 80 BC, has been found in an enclosure trench of a Gaulish village close to a ritual deposit of whalebones...