
Prehistoric Recreation: Footwear and Fibres

Organised by
CAL - Centro de Arqueologia de Lisboa (PT)
ARQA - Associação de Arqueologia da Amadora (PT)

On the 29th of October, another edition of this Prehistoric Recreation will take place in Rio Seco, at Rua Eduardo Bairrada (Ajuda), organized by CAL - Lisbon Archeology Centre, in partnership with ARQA - Associação de Arqueologia da Amadora, with the Ajuda Parish Council and the Monsanto Forest Park, with the extraordinary Rio Seco Geomonument as a backdrop.

Call for information: Recycling in the Late Neolithic at the Vlaardingen site of Den Haag-Steynhof

Annelou van Gijn 1
Publication Date

The Putting life into Late Neolithic houses project looks at all the different aspects of what life could have been like for “the people in the Rhine/Meuse delta at about c. 2900 – 2500 BC.” ( This is not only done by academic research, experiments, and material analysis, but also through illustrations produced by archaeological reconstruction illustrator Kelvin Wilson.

Where Are My Shoes?

Organised by
the Netherlands

Follow in the footsteps of the first inhabitants of our country. Trijntje from the Mesolithic probably walked barefoot. Those who are used to it will not feel every little stone prick. And besides, she and her family usually traveled by canoe.

Archaeologists Take Over the Hunebedcentrum

Organised by
the Netherlands

During the national Science Weekend, everyone can get acquainted with various sciences in an accessible way. On Saturday 1 and Sunday 2 October between 11:00 and 17:00, various archaeologists will be in the Hunebed Center to show you how archaeologists excavate and what they learn from it.