
An Ancient Winter Magical Adventure

United Kingdom

The alternative Christmas family trail!

Come to Butser for a fun festive adventure for all the family. ‘Yule’ have a magical time this Christmas exploring the ancient buildings around the farm and uncovering the folklore of Winter!

Adult £10.50 / Child £6.50 (ages 3 - 16) / Under 3s Free / Family £27.50 (up to 2 adults and 2 children)

Ancient Crafts - Kulturo Share

Organised by
Kulturo Media

Welcome to Kulturo Share!

We've got three speakers for this event. First, here's the format:

- 15 min introductions
- 30 min chat with guest 1
- 30 min chat with guest 2
- 30 min chat with guest 3
- 15 min break (chat possible)
- 30-45 min group discussion (including audience members)

Here's the line-up:

As Above, so Below

Organised by
the Netherlands

When you look at the alignment of archaeological monuments, such as stone circles, dolmens and pyramids, in relation to the sun, moon or the stars, we speak of archaeoastronomy. From this perspective, Peter van den Hoek conducts research into locations such as Stonehenge, Avebury, Newgrange, Carnac, Giza an

Winter Count 2023

Organised by
Winter Count

Winter Count, (started 1995), is part of a family of gatherings that strive to reconnect people with old ways of making fire, tanning hides, forming metal, weaving baskets, hunting, gathering and much more. We teach ancestral skills that were essential to the survival and well being of all cultures, no matter what continent your ancestors came from.

A Journey through Time: 17,000 Years Zug in One Hour


The scenic tour "A Zug journey through time: 17,000 years in one hour" presents Zug's prehistory(s) in an entertaining way. The audience encounters the legendary pile dwelling researcher Ferdinand Keller, a museum designer with an exuberant imagination, and Kerila, a time traveler from the Bronze Age.