Unreviewed Mixed Matters Articles

The 2,500th Anniversary of the Battle of Plataea, 26-31 July 2022. Recreating the Cavalry

Publication Date


Delayed by the pandemic, the 2022 event was organised with the support of the local community, the Ephorate of Antiquities, and the re-enactment group ‘Hoplologia’ lead by Christian Cameron.  Using re-enactors to commemorate their Classical history was, for a variety of political and religious reasons, an important step for the Greek authorities to take. Christian gathered around ninety very experienced and passionate re-enactors and reconstructors in Plataea from at least eight different counties, at their own expense.

Discussion: Heritage in Times of War - part 1

Andriy Kotlyarchuk 1 ✉,
Vladyslav Chabanyuk 2,
Volodymyr Ilkiv 3,
Andrij Petrauskas 4,
Olga Postnikova 5
Publication Date
With the beginning of the full-scale war in Ukraine, along with the preservation of the integrity of the state and the preservation of people's lives, the issues of preserving cultural heritage and national identification became acute. The museums and nature reserves that did not fall under the occupation did not stop working...

Event Review: Experimental Archaeology in Denmark 2022

Jannie Marie Christensen 1
Publication Date

Following up on the inception meeting back in November 2021 it was clear that a meeting opportunity for researchers, museum workers, craftspeople and practitioners in experimental archaeology was missing. A year later it was interesting to follow up on the forum to see if it was actual viable and if there was a desire to continue in its current form.

Conference Review: The 6th CONEXP held between October 25-28 2022 at Pézenas (FR)

Javier Baena Preysler 1 ✉,
Antoni Palomo 2
Publication Date
From 25 to 28 October 2022, we celebrated the 6th International Congress of Experimental Archaeology at Pézenas (France) with the support of the Experimental Association, EXARC, and several local and national French institutions that included INRAP. This Congress, which started in Santander (Cantabria) in 2005, and after that was organized in Ronda (Granada) 2008, Banyoles (Girona) 2011, Burgos 2014...

Conference Review: Innovation begins within. Resilient museums in times of disruption, NEMO 2022

Roeland Paardekooper 1
Publication Date
The Network of European Museum Organisations (NEMO) celebrated their yearly conference in October 2022 in Loulé, Portugal. More than 200 people attended. EXARC is a member of NEMO and we decided to take a look. The format of the conference was not tedious at all, and everything was well organised. This made it easy to take in the information from the presenters...

Obituary: Anne Reichert (10 June 1935 - 8 May 2022)

Sabine Karg 1 ✉,
Johanna Banck-Burgess 2,
Renate Ebersbach 2,
Wolfram Schier 1,
Helmut Schlichtherle 2
Publication Date
Shortly before her 87th birthday Anne Reichert, well known for her archaeological reconstructions throughout Europe, died at her home in Southern Germany. From the 1980s onwards she started her career as a freelance and self-taught experimental archaeologist...

Book Review: Craft Sciences by Tina Westerlund et al (eds)

Duncan Berryman 1
Publication Date
This book sets out to bring the topics of craft science and practitioner-research to a wider audience and integrate them into current craft practices. This is a subject that has seen significant development in Scandinavia but is much less common in other parts of Europe. The essays gathered here present case studies from a range of different crafts, from woodworking and pottery to gardening and textile...

Call for information: Recycling in the Late Neolithic at the Vlaardingen site of Den Haag-Steynhof

Annelou van Gijn 1
Publication Date

The Putting life into Late Neolithic houses project looks at all the different aspects of what life could have been like for “the people in the Rhine/Meuse delta at about c. 2900 – 2500 BC.” (www.puttinglife.com). This is not only done by academic research, experiments, and material analysis, but also through illustrations produced by archaeological reconstruction illustrator Kelvin Wilson.

Making the Book of Kells

Thomas Keyes 1
Publication Date
This article gives a brief history of the context of the Book of Kells before summarising recent research into its material makeup. It then goes on to introduce a possible site of production that has been excavated in the Scottish Highlands, before introducing a project to recreate a folio from the manuscript as an experimental archaeology project.

Conference Review: The ICOM Museum Convention in Prague, August 2022

Roeland Paardekooper 1
Publication Date
The International Council of Museums, ICOM, has a habit of meeting every three years in a large General Conference. The last time was in Kyoto, Japan, in 2019. EXARC was present there, and we witnessed a heavy debate on the museum definition, but also spoke with many museum professionals from Japan and abroad. We worked in close cooperation with ICOM Netherlands that time...