experimental archaeology

Experimental Archaeological Factors of Primary Education in China

Bangcheng Tang 1 ✉,
Hongjie Wang 2
Publication Date
Asarchaeology in China has developed, experimental archaeology, as a research method of archaeology, has attracted more and more attention from Chinese archaeologists. The strength of a discipline's development is reflected not only in academic contributions but also in how it enhances the lives of the public...

Conference Review: EAC13, Torun, Poland, May 2023

Phoebe Baker 1 ✉,
E. Giovanna Fregni 2,
Jess Shaw 3
Publication Date
This year EXARC/EAC held its first fully hybrid conference at Nikolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland on 1-3 May. Using the experience and technology from the EAC World Tour, the previous conference in 2021, EXARC was able to include international speakers who would otherwise be unable to participate in the conference.

Conference Review: Living History and Experimental Archaeology, Ukraine, March 2023

Maria Ivantsiv 1
Publication Date
The time of change, the time of choice came to Ukraine with the beginning of the war. We had to set vectors and priorities in all spheres of life. Science, culture and, in particular, open-air museums were no exception. First of all, we faced the issue of the protection and preservation of museum collections...

Event Review: Experimental Archaeology in Denmark 2022

Jannie Marie Christensen 1
Publication Date

Following up on the inception meeting back in November 2021 it was clear that a meeting opportunity for researchers, museum workers, craftspeople and practitioners in experimental archaeology was missing. A year later it was interesting to follow up on the forum to see if it was actual viable and if there was a desire to continue in its current form.

Conference Review: The 6th CONEXP held between October 25-28 2022 at Pézenas (FR)

Javier Baena Preysler 1 ✉,
Antoni Palomo 2
Publication Date
From 25 to 28 October 2022, we celebrated the 6th International Congress of Experimental Archaeology at Pézenas (France) with the support of the Experimental Association, EXARC, and several local and national French institutions that included INRAP. This Congress, which started in Santander (Cantabria) in 2005, and after that was organized in Ronda (Granada) 2008, Banyoles (Girona) 2011, Burgos 2014...

Obituary: Anne Reichert (10 June 1935 - 8 May 2022)

Sabine Karg 1 ✉,
Johanna Banck-Burgess 2,
Renate Ebersbach 2,
Wolfram Schier 1,
Helmut Schlichtherle 2
Publication Date
Shortly before her 87th birthday Anne Reichert, well known for her archaeological reconstructions throughout Europe, died at her home in Southern Germany. From the 1980s onwards she started her career as a freelance and self-taught experimental archaeologist...

Event Review: 40 years of cooperation between the University of Vienna and MAMUZ

Franz Pieler 1
Publication Date
The University of Vienna “Practice of Experimental Archaeology” course took place from June 30th to July 3rd at MAMUZ Schloss Asparn/Zaya. Under the guidance of their tutors, numerous students worked on the implementation of theoretical experiments that they had previously prepared and designed...

Conference Review: Experimental archaeology: how does it work? by EAS, 28-28 April, 2022 in Solothurn (CH)

Alex R. Furger 1,
Claus Detreköy 2
Publication Date
With public involvement and accompanied by great media interest, the first Swiss National Congress on Experimental Archaeology took place in Solothurn. For two days, more than 120 participants took part in professional exchange and the interdisciplinary assessment of the state of the art. The general consensus was recognition that experimental archaeology is an important sub-discipline of archaeology and ...

Book Review: Experimentelle Archäologie in Europa, Jahrbuch 2021

Stefanie Ulrich 1
Publication Date
Annual Proceedings of the EXAR Tagung
***This volume – like many in the last two years – has been affected by the pandemic and EXAR waived the fee for many of the affected members. As always, the periodical is divided into three parts: Experiment und Versuch (experiment and testing, pp.10-78), Rekonstruierende Archäologie (reconstructive archaeology, pp.80-101)...