
Soldier Camp with Auxiliaries and Legionnaires


Immerse yourself in the camp life of a Roman border fort! This weekend, several groups of Romans bring fun and action to the archaeological park. You can compare the equipment of legionnaires and auxiliaries directly on site and if you want, you can try on a chain mail shirt yourself. How has the equipm

Obituary: Anne Reichert (10 June 1935 - 8 May 2022)

Sabine Karg 1 ✉,
Johanna Banck-Burgess 2,
Renate Ebersbach 2,
Wolfram Schier 1,
Helmut Schlichtherle 2
Publication Date
Shortly before her 87th birthday Anne Reichert, well known for her archaeological reconstructions throughout Europe, died at her home in Southern Germany. From the 1980s onwards she started her career as a freelance and self-taught experimental archaeologist...

Shoe Fashion in Haithabu


Archaeologists recovered numerous pieces of leather in Haithabu, including the remains of shoes, bags, arrow quivers, belts and knife sheaths. The scientists were able to distinguish 10 different shoe types based on the cuts and processing techniques, which proves that the Vikings in Haithabu attached great importance to fashionable shoes.