Tobias Dautermann
I first completed an apprenticeship as a blacksmith and then undertook further training in the field of occupational health and safety.
I first completed an apprenticeship as a blacksmith and then undertook further training in the field of occupational health and safety.
I first started with experimental archaeology over fifteen years ago when working with Dr. David Sim for one year on reconstructed weapons and armour.
Hello everyone! I am a PhD student at the Eurasian National University (Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan). My speciality is archaeology and the topic of my research is related to experimental archaeology.
Being a prehistoric archaeologist I really think, that science communication is an important topic, and for that I find it a pleasure to work as an educator in a museum. Concerning crafts, my main interest is pottery, and since 2014 I conduct experiments on building Neolithic clay drums.
Associate Researcher at the Centre de Recherche Celtique et Bretonne with a doctorate in Celtic Studies (Université de Bretagne Occidental) and an advanced degree in the history of techniques (EHESS, Parsi), I try to combine archival sources, including literature, with hands-on inquiries into tec
I orginially trained as a professional embroiderer at the Royal School of Needlework and then gained a degree in Archaeology at the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
The first time Lara got in contact with experimental archaeology was in 1995.
Photographer with a passion for history. I make lively scenes that show what life must have looked like in various time-periods. I have done this for museums for either (event) promotion or to liven up their exhibition.
Dr Peter Groom is an Experimental Archaeologist (MA) and Environmentalist (MSc). He is a director of the Mesolithic Resource Group (
Since 1995 I am interested in archaeological open-air museums, living history and hands-on activities in order to get people excited to learn about and experience prehistoric times.
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att. EXARC
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8200 AC Lelystad
the Netherlands
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