Bronze Age

South West Bushcraft & Outdoor Show

Organised by
United Kingdom

2021 sees the first South West Bushcraft & Outdoor Show!

Promoting traditional crafts, primitive skills and bushcraft. Journey back in time by visiting our Anglo Saxon woodland farmstead, where you can witness and try your hand at an array of different traditional skills and crafts to understand how our ancestor's lived off the land.

Latvijas Arheoklubs (LV)

The society "Latvijas Arheoklubs" unites 20 members with a practical interest in the prehistory of the Baltic region. The group started in 2009 and in 2015 the society (NGO) was officially registered.

The society organizes and its members often are involved in different educational activities (like demonstrations of prehistoric and traditional skills and crafts, lectures about archaeology and experimental archaeology) in collaboration with different museums and municipalities, like Daugava Museum at Dole Island and Āraiši Archaeological Park.

Fresco Mixtures with Dried Lime Plaster: Cameron’s Experiments Revisited

Αntonis Vlavogilakis 1
Publication Date


During the Bronze Age, the craftspeople of the eastern Mediterranean practiced a form of reuse or recycling: fragments of mortar were used as aggregates in lime mixtures intended for walls or floors (Shaw, 1973, p.222; Brysbaert, 2003, pp.168-173, pp.175-176; Jones, 2005, p.220; Brysbaert, 2008, p.118). Such a mixture was found in a house in the Akrotiri settlement of Santorini, in a part of the wall that was intended to be painted (Jones, 2005, p.220).