Bronze Age

Different Types of Needles for Specific Uses? Experimental Reproductions of some Finds from Aradetis Orgora, Georgia

Sara Maria Stellacci 1
Publication Date


This research aimed to define the use of some specific, pointed tools found in the Bronze Age levels of the site of Aradetis Orgora in the Shida Kartli province of Eastern Georgia (Caucasus) (See Figure 1). Five “needles” with different morphological features were unearthed at the site during the recent excavations carried out by the joint GISKAP project of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice in collaboration with the Georgian National Museum (Tbilisi) (Gagoshidze, 2001; 2012; Gagoshidze and Rova, 2015; 2018a; 2018b).

Feel like an Archaeologist 

Organised by
the Netherlands

During the National Archeology Days everyone can participate in the organized activities. An excavation is organized especially for children, where they can search for pottery and Roman coins. You can then take these objects home with you to enjoy the day even more.  

International Reenactment Market IRM


The International Reenactment Market IRM is the first international fair for living history, re-enactment, and experimental archaeology of all periods in Germany, and was launched in 2011 in the Archaeological Park Roman Villa Borg. The new location for 2022 is the Römerwelt museum at Rheinbrohl, located between Bonn and Koblenz.

Drum Making Workshop

United Kingdom

Discover the sound of our ancestors and craft one of humanity’s oldest instruments. Guided by craftsman, musician, and living history practitioner Lewis Beck, learn to use steam-bent birch wood and ethically-sourced goat hide to create a 16-inch frame drum and beater using ancient techniques. Running each day this weekend.