Hello! My interest in archaeological reseaerch has always been directed towards the study of the eating behaviours of past communities and aims to better understand their social and cultural dynamics.
Thus, I graduated at Sapienza University of Rome with the bachelor disseration "Sauce and salt fishes in Sicily during the Punic period."
In 2015, I began with experimental archaeology. In fact, in the following year, I graduated from the same university with the master's thesis "Husking tray: a pan to bake bread? An interpretation of the pottery typology by way of an Experimental Approach."
Given the good results, I further developed the research in the PhD that I am completing at the Autonomous University of Barcelona in joint research with Sapienza University of Rome. In the thesis with the title "The role of the Husking Trays amongst the Late Neolithic communities of the Near East" I address the topic through an extensive experimental program, an ethnographic approach and above all the Use-Alternation Analysis.
During the doctoral research, I specialised in the study of technology and functional trace analysis on pottery material. I am a member of the Laboratory of Technological and Functional Analysis of Prehistoric Artefacts (LTFAPA) at the Sapziena University and a member of the Association of Archaeological Wear and Residue Anaysts (AWRANA).