Bronze Age

Cyprus Ancient Arts

Organised by

Pottery workshop "Cyprus Ancient Arts" in Phoini. Under the auspices and sponsorship of the Ministry of Tourism. In this workshop we will learn the basic techniques of recreation of ancient pottery inspired from the Bronze Age and the Middle Ages.

Time: 10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Phoini, Foini, Cyprus


Ancient Cypriot Nutrition

Organised by

About the Event

Following the 6th experimental archaeological workshop, in which we learn how to create ancient cooking pots from the Bronze Age, we will exhibit several different models of ancient cooking pots that were used in that era in various different places in the Mediterranean.

More Testing of Mesoamerican Lunate Artifacts as Possible Loom Weights, that also Functioned as Twining Tools

Billie J. A. Follensbee 1
Publication Date

Review of the Research

Research conducted over the past century has conclusively demonstrated that textiles played an important role in Mesoamerica, particularly from the Classic period (AD 250-900) through contemporary cultures.

Identifying Ceramic Shaping Techniques: Experimental Results Using the Inclusion and Void Orientation Method

Jon Ross 1 ✉,
Kent Fowler 2
Publication Date
This contribution presents the results of experiments using a simple but effective inclusion and void orientation method for identifying shaping techniques on cut and scanned vessels and sherds. Not only does it provide an additional line of complementary evidence for differentiating ceramic chaînes opératoires, but we argue that it offers observations not accessible by other imaging methods and scales of analysis...