Festival: Under the Sign of the Wolf
The XIIth edition of the DacFest Festival “Under the Sign of the Wolf” takes place between the 15th -17th of July 2022, on Măgura Uroiului, Hunedoara county.
The XIIth edition of the DacFest Festival “Under the Sign of the Wolf” takes place between the 15th -17th of July 2022, on Măgura Uroiului, Hunedoara county.
Let the authentically dressed actors take you into the everyday Roman life of the inhabitants of Cambodunum!
Imagine a huge Thracian square. There is a colorful dance on it and everyone is dressed in costumes. You are in the dance - you dance crazy in an uneven rhythm, fascinated by the mastery of the musicians ...
The scientific conference Methodology and Archaeometry is being organised by the Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb since 2013. The goal of the conference is to entice interdisciplinary, critical thinking, new insights and approaches as well as new theoretical frameworks in contemporary archaeological science.
Among the Roman population there were resourceful and imaginative people, as evidenced by the archaeological collections in the Saalburg. There are objects from all walks of life - toys and clothing, jewelry and coins, household appliances and tools, but also things that bring us closer to medicine, sports, art and music from this time.
Get to know the archeology of Drenthe! On Sunday 19 June, the Dolmen Center will be devoted to archeology during the National Archeology Days.
Saturday and Sunday at 10:30 a.m.
Thinking about Archaeology as a development motor of a region through tourism is a challenge that the scientific community is currently facing.
You’re invited to join an ancient adventure! Experience a fun-filled night at the Museum from your own home.
Here’s the plan:
The Hungarian National Museum was founded in 1802 and is the national museum for the history, art and archaeology of Hungary. It’s collections, exhibitions and affiliates present an overall view of the archaeology and history of the country.
Until 2022 archaeological research, excavation work and presentation were assigned to two separate units within the National Museum. One of these was the Department of Archaeology, which conducts excavations and research of outstanding national significance (like for eg. Vértesszőlős, Kölked-Feketekapu, Heténypuszta, Zalavár, Doboz, Feldebrő, Gyula Castle, etc.). In addition to their research, the members of the department take part in university teaching and in the organisation of scientific life.
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