Roman Era

Legio Secunda Augusta Nederland (NL)

Legio Secunda Augusta Nederland is a dutch living history group that aims to portray the Roman and native life in the Netherlands in the first and second century AD.

We try to show a cross section of life in a roman encampment and neighboring vicus. In addition to the recognizable Roman legionaries, the military department also consists of auxilia, or the auxiliary troops that can come from our region, but also from the many other corners of the Roman Empire. A centurion, optio make sure the drill is flawless. The medicus will show of his fine Pompeian tools, tell his favorite medical stories and might even perform a surgery or two.

EAD22 - Family Day and Guided Tour at Legionärspfad

Organised by

Family Day

In the Roman workshop Fabrica there is an exciting range of handicrafts. The Legionnaires' Path also offers play tours for families with children from the age of four: look for the murderer of the centurion, solve the great oracle or find the secret of the camel!

Guided Tour through the Legionnaires' Quarters

Gallo-Roman Weekend

Organised by
The Gallo-Roman Weekend (GRW) (BE)

The Gallo-Roman Weekend (GRW) in Wervik is a biennial event, in which, by making use of re-enacting and living history, the Iron Age and Roman times come back to life. It takes place during the first full weekend of October in even years.

Experimenting with the Past

Organised by
Anna P. Judson
United Kingdom

Panel on experimental archaeology at the UK Classical Association Conference. The panel will take place in hybrid format on Monday April 11th, 9-11am UK time, and is entitled "Experimenting with the past: experimental archaeology and the prehistoric and classical worlds"; it features the following papers:

Experimenting the Sarissa

Organised by

This 2-day event will take place in Leptokaryes village, Florina and will host a number of participants, most of which will be archaeologists, history-enthusiasts and re-enactors. 

The first day will focus on experimental archaeology as we will have the opportunity to test a number of issues regarding the use of the Macedonian pike (Sarissa) in the field:   

Communicating the Past - IMTAL Europe Conference

Organised by
IMTAL Europe

#Compast will bring together people who want to share and extend their knowledge of how live interpretation and museum theatre are used to interpret the past in museums and at heritage sites. The Conference is organised by IMTAL Europe and the Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences/Dept. of Communication, Media and Culture.