Roman Era

Les Fabri Tignuarii (FR)

The Fabri Tignuarii association is specialised in the restitution of ancient building sites.

We focus mainly on the period from the end of the 1st century AD to the beginning of the 3rd century AD, which represents, in Gaul and the neighbouring regions, the building impetus that endowed the towns with substantial public buildings and the countryside with sumptuous villae. We aim to reconstruct these buildings, the way they were erected, as well as the tools and knowledge which were necessary, so as to obtain durable and credible results. The craftsmen who make up our team have been trained for more than 10 years in the restoration of historical monuments.

Bread and Games


The group LUDUS NEMESIS from the Netherlands not only shows fights, but also the social function of the bloody spectacle. Who knows that many gladiators were quite chubby? This came out through Austrian excavations in the gladiator cemetery of Ephesus. Because fat protects against cuts. The diet was very low in meat: the gladiators nickname at that time was grain grinders or

Experiments with Lime Mortars containing Charcoal and Ashes

Αntonis Vlavogilakis 1
Publication Date


While researching ancient lime mortar technology, we encountered a number of cases in published archaeological studies that refer to the use of ashes and charcoal as aggregates in mixtures. These mixtures were tested in a small number of experiments, and this paper presents the results.

Acutus’ Eagle Bone and Two Bone Tubes with Holes Found in A Roman Fleet Base in The Netherlands - About Signalling Whistles and Animal Calls

Annemies Tamboer 1
Publication Date
At the location of a former Roman military fort and fleet base existing from AD 15-28 in Velsen, The Netherlands, more than 3000 bones and bone fragments were excavated. Three of these can be interpreted as musical instruments. Two bone tubes, of a roe deer and a stork, are provided with one and three holes respectively, on the third, a length of an eagle wing bone with one joint removed...