Roman Era

Feel like an Archaeologist 

Organised by
the Netherlands

During the National Archeology Days everyone can participate in the organized activities. An excavation is organized especially for children, where they can search for pottery and Roman coins. You can then take these objects home with you to enjoy the day even more.  

International Reenactment Market IRM


The International Reenactment Market IRM is the first international fair for living history, re-enactment, and experimental archaeology of all periods in Germany, and was launched in 2011 in the Archaeological Park Roman Villa Borg. The new location for 2022 is the Römerwelt museum at Rheinbrohl, located between Bonn and Koblenz.

A Sustainable Revolution for Open-Air Museums @ ICOM

Organised by
Czech Republic

EXARC invites you to a session during the ICOM General Conference in Prague. We are in a unique position where our teaching of the past offers our visitors lessons for the future; we are more relevant than ever. How to develop the strength of open-air museums by building partnerships with other organisations?

Ancient Greek Weaving, Experimental Archeology on Greek Textiles and Household GDP

Richard J. Palmer 1
Publication Date
#EAC12 World Tour 2021
***This paper outlines the experimental weaving project of an ancient Greek chlamys to investigate the weaving production capacity of a typical household and reconstruct women’s contribution to household GDP in ancient Greece. While some scholars have researched finer textiles and tech-niques based on visual evidence...