Roman Era

Handicraft Trail

Organised by

Forging knives, boiling soap, designing leather bracelets or making paints: in the old days, many things were still made by hand. On the handicraft course on the area of ​​the Legionnaires' Path Vindonissa and Königsfelden Monastery, young and old can try out in ten workshops how utensils were made in antiquity a

The Launching of the IFEA "Living Laboratory"


We are happy to invite you to the first meeting, not in Zoom, but in-person at the complex that will very soon become the living laboratory of the Israeli Forum for Experimental Archeology!!!

Tuesday, 13.07.2021, 6 pm, JNF compound at Givat Yeshayahu

Roman Festival

Organised by
the Netherlands

From July 30 to August 14, the Roman weeks are at Archeon for the 23rd time!

Roman legionaries set up camp, accompanied by craftsmen, ladies and children. Visit the Roman encampment, watch the demonstrations and many other activities.  

The Many Faces of Experimental Archaeology


Experimental archaeology combines scientific research methodology with traditional craftsmanship, public relations and community building. Matilda Siebrecht (PhD Student at the University of Groningen and host of the podcast series 'The EXARC Show') and Franz Pieler discuss the opportunities of experimental archaeology as a research approach.

The Career of an Orange Stone

Irena Podolska 1,
Wojciech Rutkowski 1,2
Publication Date
The analysis of archaeological works of art involves their formal, thematic and interpretative description. The importance of these stages rests in their potential to reveal the biography of an artefact. Research methods investigating the production technology behind an object are a valuable factor extending the field of interpretation of a given object. Each finished work is the result of a creative process...

The Ancient Magic of Malt: Making Malt Sugars and Ale from Grain Using Traditional Techniques

Merryn Dineley 1
Publication Date
The transformation of grain into malt, malt sugars and ale is a three step process. First, the controlled germination (malting), then ‘mashing in’ and collecting a sweet liquid known as wort and finally, the fermentation by pitching the yeast which converts the sugary wort into an alcoholic beverage. Each step requires different conditions for the process to work. They cannot be combined...