Featured in the EXARC Journal

Experimental Archaeology

"But if you don't get any IRON..." Towards an Effective Method for Small Iron Smelting Furnaces

Darrell Markewitz 1
Publication Date

Building and operating a small bloomery iron furnace is certainly a wonderful public demonstration for any museum or living history site. It is however a complex technical process, with many individual factors combining for success. Over the last decade in North America, small teams of blacksmiths have developed predictable working methods through trial and much error. This direct practical experience can provide some insights into questions that even the best researched theories may not be able to solve.

The Experiment and the Umbrella - 10 Years of Experimental Archaeology

Marianne Bloch Hansen 1
Publication Date

Who are the contributors?

First of all it is interesting to see who the participants in the discussion of the archaeological experiment are. Certainly, the articles I have selected and read are only representative of a fraction of the contributions, but it is clear that it is primarily those who work with experimental archaeology in their research. Participants from outside this group are rare. This is regrettable as the archaeological experiment is an important method in archaeological research in general.