Bronze Age

Prehistoric Feast

Organised by
Organised by
Samara (FR)

Flint cutting, cooking, ceramic, metal and wood crafts, development of weaving...
The program of prehistoric festivals is part of a process of archaeological experimentation and allows you to glimpse the daily life of prehistoric men.

Socketed Axes of the Irish Late Bronze Age: Understanding the Internal Rib Phenomenon

Terry Runner 1
Publication Date
This study explores the possibility that the internal rib commonly recognised inside bronze socketed axes may suggest an entirely different step in the casting process than previously thought. The internal rib, more commonly referred to as a ‘hafting rib’, has always been regarded as a functional addition to help tighten the grip of the haft once fitted into the socket. However, many of the internal ribs...

Newhaven Coppice (UK)

Member of EXARC

Newhaven Coppice provides a space for craftspeople, volunteers, archaeologists and members of the public to discover more about the lives of people from our shared past.

It is a working woodland, which has been ever evolving over the years, with an aim of becoming a centre for ancient and traditional crafts, knowledge sharing and experimental archaeology. In 2018, Newhaven Coppice opened its gates to community groups, schools and anyone interested in learning about our native woodland heritage. To compliment and bring the incredibly deep and diverse world of our ancestors to life, we are well on the way to creating an archaeologically accurate representation of an Anglo-Saxon farmstead.

International Traditional Archery Tournament “Historical Park"

Organised by

From the 8th until 10th of May 2020 at the biggest culture-historical and architectural complex Historical Park will be held the tournament with the largest prize pool in the world - the International Traditional Archery Tournament “Historical Park". Archers from more than 25 countries are invited and expected to take part at the tournament.

Fine Pottery Chaîne Opératoire from the Bronze Age site of Via Ordiere, Solarolo (RA, IT): Experiments on the Relationship between Surface Treatments and Function

Andrea La Torre 1 ✉,
G. Mannino 1,
A. Zurzolo 1
Publication Date
11th EAC Trento 2019
***The aim of this experimental work was to catch a glimpse of the pottery chaîne opératoire, particularly linked to the surfaces treatments applied, in order to better understand what type of traces they could leave on pots and how they could differently affect the use of final products...

Health Weekend

Organised by
the Netherlands

Health and beauty are inextricably linked. People have known that as long as they exist. During this weekend, Museum Park Archeon will show how people, from prehistoric times to the 21st century, deal with the care and well-being of their bodies.