
Experience with Building Mesolithic Huts in the Stone Age Park Dithmarschen in 2014

Werner Pfeifer 1
Publication Date
OpenArch Dialogue with Skills Issue
***Two new huts in the Stone Age Park Dithmarschen in Albersdorf (Germany) were built in spring 2014 by the Experimental Archaeologist and Educator Werner Pfeifer with the support of some friends and with financial support from the Stone Age Park Dihmarschen and the EU co-financed project OpenArch.

Tangible and Intangible Knowledge: the Unique Contribution of Archaeological Open-Air Museums

Linda Hurcombe 1
Publication Date
OpenArch Special Digest 2015 Issue 2
***Over the years my personal research interests have focussed on the less tangible elements of the past, such as gender issues, perishable material culture, and the sensory worlds of the past, but all of these have been underpinned by a longstanding appreciation of the role experimental archaeology can play as...

Event Review: Daily Life and Feasting in the Neolithic: Celebrating the Tenth Anniversary of Experience in Experimental Archaeology at the Steinzeitdorf Albersdorf

Tosca Friedrich 1,
Birte Meller 1,
Rüdiger Kelm 2
Publication Date
OpenArch Special Digest 2015 Issue 2
***During summer 2014, just over 30 students from Archaeological Studies at the University of Hamburg, as well as four children, participated in a practical week of experimental archaeology at the Steinzeitdorf Albersdorf. In preparation for this week, the students attended a seminar at the University of Hamburg...

Event Review: a “Mesolithic Living” Project

Rüdiger Kelm 1
Publication Date
From the 27 July to the 6 September 2015 the Stone Age Park Dithmarschen (Archaeological-Ecological Centre Albersdorf, AÖZA) organised a Mesolithic living history experiment in its newly constructed ‘Mesolithic Settlement’ finished last year. The experiment sought to investigate, through careful reconstruction, how people may have carried out their daily lives in the Mesolithic period...

Interview: "The Small Things Paint the Big Picture" with Harm Paulsen

Wulf Hein 1
Publication Date
I meet Harm Paulsen (70), the best known and longest working experimental archaeologist in Germany, in his apartment in Schleswig. Although the rooms aren't small, it is only possible to move around by holding in your belly and not breathing, as everywhere, standing, hanging or lying around, is evidence of Harm's professional and private life – a clear line between the two is not visible...

Book Review: Experimentelle Archäologie in Europa, Bilanz 2014

Christian Horn 1
Publication Date
Annual Proceedings of the EXAR Tagung
***Volume number 13 of the periodical Experimentelle Archäologie in Europa. Bilanz contains 215 pages with 18 different articles on a wide variety of subjects. The contributions are presented in four sections: Experiment and Test, Reconstruction Archaeology, Theory and Emanation’, and Short reports...


Member of EXARC

Interuniversity Research Centre for The Study and Promotion of Prehistoric Cultures Technologies and Landscapes
The University of Siena, the University of Rome “La Sapienza” and the University of Tromsø (NO) signed an agreement for the establishment and operation of an Interuniversity Research Center for the study and promotion of Prehistoric cultures, technologies and landscapes - CRISP. The three Universities are involved in research activities related to Prehistory and they all are interested in study methodology based on Spatial analysis in archaeology, Experimental archaeology, Anthropology and Ethnography and diffusion of scientific knowledge by means of musealisation.

The University of Siena, the University of Rome “La Sapienza” and the University of Tromsø (NO) signed an agreement for the establishment and operation of an Interuniversity Research Center for the study and promotion of Prehistoric cultures, technologies and landscapes - CRISP...