Conference: Exploring Heritage
The LVR-RömerMuseum organises the international conference"Exploring Heritage - Museums mediating archaeology - Wege digitaler Archäologievermittlung im Museum".
The LVR-RömerMuseum organises the international conference"Exploring Heritage - Museums mediating archaeology - Wege digitaler Archäologievermittlung im Museum".
TraceoLab is a research centre in prehistory with a particular focus on the analysis of use-wear and residues on stone tools in combination with extensive experimentation. The experimental research is thus focused on stone tools, in various raw materials but with a predominance of flint.
All stone tools are manufactured by a skilled knapper who is a member of TraceoLab. The group is involved in a lot of methodological work, in relation to use-wear, residues and taphonomy, while also specific themes are addressed, such as hafting and projectiles. The lab houses specific equipment for experimentation, in particular for projectiles, next to specialized analytical equipment.
Later Prehistoric Finds Group Conference: Crafting Identities: Making and using objects in the Bronze and Iron Ages
I am a PhD student in Archaeology from the University of Liverpool and my research is about how Archaic-Hellenistic Greek pottery kiln sites related with environmental and landscape settings.
The Experimental Archaeology Group was established in 2017 to create the opportunity for both staff and students to get hands-on experience of making, using and researching the artefacts and material culture that they learn and teach about within degree units.
Since forming, the group has explored prehistoric and historical ethnographic knapping techniques, prehistoric bone and antler working, organic cordage from a range of plant fibre sources and willow work, including basketry and fish traps.
These sessions provide us as archaeologists with a new understanding of certain aspects of material culture, including time, skill, knowledge, effort and sensorial experience, all of which expand our understanding of the past.
The School of History, Classics and Archaeology is home to several archaeologists conducting experimental archaeology.
Dr Chloe Duckworth has experience with among others Roman and medieval glass. She teaches for example the module “you are what you make”. This module explores - and helps you to learn - the skills and techniques humans have used for millennia to control, manipulate, and construct the world around us.
At the Department: Archaeology and Museum Studies, Assoc. Ryzhov Sergey Nikolaevich teaches a module on experimental archaeology.
Experimental archaeology is a field of modern archaeology through which the reconstruction or modelling of particular techniques or technologies of the past is carried out on the basis of previous research into archaeological sources.
Experimental archaeology uses a hypothetical-deductive method of checking and evaluating archaeological information. In the process of checking the sources, practical historical reconstructions are carried out for each individual chronological and territorial complex of archaeological sites.
"Recreating Costume: From source interpretation to the result":
The European Early Bronze Age (ca. 2200-1550 BC) is characterized both by a high degree of unknown before mobility of craftspersons and the manufacture of polished drinking vessels and dishes typical of different European Early Bronze Age cultures.
Event under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Cyprus Nicos Anastasiades
1°st Stage of Experimental Archaeometallurgy
All the structures, implements and instruments utilized are replicas of the evidences and objects found at Pyrgos/Mavroraki (Lm) including:
Stichting Erfgoedpark Batavialand
att. EXARC
Postbus 119
8200 AC Lelystad
the Netherlands
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