Bronze Age

European Crafting in the Bronze Age and Today - CRAFTER Presentation

Organised by
Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte (DE)

The European Early Bronze Age (ca. 2200-1550 BC) is characterized both by a high degree of unknown before mobility of craftspersons and the manufacture of polished drinking vessels and dishes typical of different European Early Bronze Age cultures.

Cyprus Copper at the Beginning of the 2nd Millennium BC

Organised by
National Research Council of Italy (CNR)(IT)

Event under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Cyprus Nicos Anastasiades
1°st Stage of Experimental Archaeometallurgy


All the structures, implements and instruments utilized are replicas of the evidences and objects found at Pyrgos/Mavroraki (Lm) including:

XXVII Archaeological Festival at Biskupin - Mother Nature


The XXVII Archaeological Festival will be devoted to Mother Nature in various guises. During the Festival, you will be able to find out how in the past people perceived and worshipped Mother Nature, as well as how they used her benefits. But that is not everything! Scientists from various fi

Steel Bangers Festival


Experience heat and iron as the forges of fire at The Irish National Heritage Park are fired up for the inaugural Steel Bangers Festival on September 14th and 15th. Our resident Blacksmith will bring his crew of metal workers and steel artists to the Medieval Lodge in the heart of the Park and they will stoke the forges and tell the story of iron and steel and the pivotal role it played in

Let’s Do the Tine Warp Again: Reconstructing a Late Bronze Age Bridle from Moynagh Lough, County Meath, Ireland

Rena Maguire 1
Publication Date

Under Starters Orders: An introduction to the experiment

Horses and equitation are often associated with Ireland; coins of the pre-Euro modern period displayed Irish hunters, and florid Victorian art imagined the heroes of the Táin (the early medieval Irish saga of gods, bulls and heroes) in chariots drawn by fiery steeds. That image has persisted despite archaeological evidence, or lack thereof. There is a considerable lack of understanding of the prehistoric use of the horse, and even the types of animals present.

Event Review: Third Annual Bronze Casting Festival, Uelsen (DE)

E. Giovanna Fregni 1
Publication Date
The third annual Bronze Casting Festival at the Bronzezeithof in Uelsen continued its theme of metalworking and experimental archaeology in a Bronze Age setting. The event drew participants from around Europe and the US to combine their knowledge and share experiences...

Craft week

Organised by

A warm welcome to the crafts week! During this week, Vitlycke Museum's Bronze Age farm becomes a handicraft farm, an open space for all our visitors to roam around in and learn, ask questions or just feel the atmosphere. It will be cast, woven, sewn and burned.