Early Middle Ages

Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum - Nemzeti Régészeti Intézet (HU)

Member of EXARC

The Hungarian National Museum was founded in 1802 and is the national museum for the history, art and archaeology of Hungary. It’s collections, exhibitions and affiliates present an overall view of the archaeology and history of the country.

Until 2022 archaeological research, excavation work and presentation were assigned to two separate units within the National Museum. One of these was the Department of Archaeology, which conducts excavations and research of outstanding national significance (like for eg. Vértesszőlős, Kölked-Feketekapu, Heténypuszta, Zalavár, Doboz, Feldebrő, Gyula Castle, etc.). In addition to their research, the members of the department take part in university teaching and in the organisation of scientific life.

For Soup and Porridge: the Spoon Carver


The exact date of its invention is uncertain. However, it is believed that it was one of the earliest tools used by mankind: the spoon. Different cultures used different materials and manufacturing techniques. But hardly anyone today is aware of how important this sma

Marbles, Dice, Colourful Cards: 1000 Years of Play


The game is as old as mankind - for example, our well-known "mill" was already played in the Bronze Age. Over the millennia, an almost unmanageable abundance of games emerged with the help of stones, bones, branches, dice, marbles, figures made of a wide variety of materials an

The Long June Weekend at Biskupin


During this time, an interesting offer of shows awaits you. You will get to know people's lives from the Stone Age to the Middle Ages. You will also see folk craftsmen. The Archaeological Reserve is a vast area that allows you to spend time in charming corners of reconstructed settlements, surrounded by nature, in the immediate vicinity of a lake and a rich tree stand.

Under the Cobblestones: Leather

Organised by
Les Chercheurs de la Wallonie

From animal remains to archaeological pieces (Structure and composition of archaeological skin, main transformation processes, nature of archaeological leather, principle of study of a collection)

by Véronique MONTEMBAULT IN / EX Situ - Doctor of Archeology - Associate researcher at UMR 7041 (Arcan)