Iron Age

AvAnt Ge - Association pour la valorisation de l'Antiquité à Genève (CH)

AvAnt Ge is a non-profit organization whose goal is to promote and share interest and knowledge of Antiquity with the public, through the organization of la Nuit Antique.

It is composed of scholars, professors, students and mediation professionals. By developing and fostering effective synergies between the various actors mentioned, as well as with several institutions in the region, it relies on the vitality of research in this field.

Considering the great enthusiasm of the public for Antiquity in all its forms (history, daily life, archeology, literature…), Avant Ge proposes to federate the motivation and skills of its members around this festival now well anchored in the cultural landscape of Greater Geneva.

Reaching Out to the Communities We are Here to Serve: Developments at the Scottish Crannog Centre

Frances Collinson 1
Publication Date
The Scottish Crannog Centre is a small archaeological open-air museum on Loch Tay in Perthshire. It originally operated as a visitor attraction, giving people a glimpse into life in the Early Iron Age through demonstrations of ancient skills and guided tours of a reconstructed crannog – loch dwelling – based on discoveries and excavations made by the Scottish Trust for Underwater Archaeology...

Prehistoric Wellness


Welcome to the wellness center “Zum Steinzeitkamm”. Here you can experience body and beauty care using methods that are thousands of years old. Forget chia seeds and Goji berries: we show you which superfoods have already been growing with us since the Stone Age and what ingredients our Ancestors used for beauty treatments - natural and soothing. Let yourself be pampered!

Book Review: Experimentelle Archäologie in Europa, Jahrbuch 2019

Stefanie Ulrich 1
Publication Date
Annual Proceedings of the EXAR Tagung
***It is the 18th issue of the periodical and includes 27 essays on experimental archaeology as well as an annual report (Jahresbericht, p. 321), an obituary for Sylvia Crumbach (p.325) and instructions for authors (Autorenrichtlinien, p. 326) of Experimentelle Archäologie in Europa on 328 pages...