Newer Era

Museum Talks ONLINE: Building Sustainability

United Kingdom

The historic buildings at St Fagans National Museum of History showcase 2,000 years of home building in Wales. From simple handmade homes of sticks and earth to a precision engineered aluminium prefab from The Second World War. Can this collection help us design new homes that are sustainable, long-lasting and resilient?

17th International Symposium on Boat & Ship Archaeology

Organised by

The Programme Committee of the International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology welcomes submissions of papers and posters for the ISBSA 17, organized as a collaborative effort of the University L’Orientale of Naples, ISMEO-The International Association for Mediterranean and Oriental Studies and the National Superintendency for the Underwater Cultural Heritage.

Archaeometallurgy in Europe 2024

Organised by
Historical Metallurgy Group at Jernkontoret

The International Conference Archaeometallurgy in Europe has been organized every four years since 2003, in Milan (2003), Grado-Aquileia (2007), Bochum (2011), Madrid (2015) and Miskolc (2019). These conferences represent the most important forum for scientific discussion on early metalworking in Europe and other related regions of the Old World.