Newer Era

Ritual House Protection

United Kingdom

Modern homes are protected by lockable doors and windows, and burglar alarms in many cases. But how well are they protected from evil spirits? By looking closely at historical buildings, sometimes distinctive marks can be found that usually go unnoticed. These were created to protect the house and its occupants from evil spirits.



Juneteenth marks the emancipation of thousands of enslaved people. Though President Lincoln had issued the Emancipation Proclamation in January 1863, it was not until federal troops arrived in Texas more than two years later to enforce the proclamation, on June 19, 1865, that thousands of enslaved Black men and women in that state finally gained their freedom.

Communicating the Past - IMTAL Europe Conference

Organised by
IMTAL Europe

#Compast will bring together people who want to share and extend their knowledge of how live interpretation and museum theatre are used to interpret the past in museums and at heritage sites. The Conference is organised by IMTAL Europe and the Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences/Dept. of Communication, Media and Culture.

Epidemics and Diseases of the Middle Ages


Epidemics, plagues, pandemics, none of them are inventions of modern times, but have existed throughout human history. The plague, the Spanish flu and leprosy wiped out entire sections of the population and changed the course and development of history. The corona pandemic shows us that, despite different hygiene

International Reenactment Market IRM


The International Reenactment Market IRM is the first international fair for living history, re-enactment, and experimental archaeology of all periods in Germany, and was launched in 2011 in the Archaeological Park Roman Villa Borg. The new location for 2022 is the Römerwelt museum at Rheinbrohl, located between Bonn and Koblenz.