Iron Age

Event Review: “NOVILARA DEI PICENI” Walk like a Picenian…

Mauro Fiorentini 1
Publication Date

The Modern regions of Marche and Abruzzo were inhabited by various people during the Iron Age, but among those one particular population was more prevalent and gave a name to a whole culture: the Picenians. The Picenians, a mixture of Indigenous people and settlers from the East and the West, were fierce warriors who were able to give life to aristocracies and who relied on wars, agriculture, fishing and cattle breeding to prosper. During the 5th century B.C. Celtic tribes settled in the northern part of region and they soon adapted local customs and habits.

Ancient Greek Weaving, Experimental Archeology on Greek Textiles and Household GDP

Richard J. Palmer 1
Publication Date
#EAC12 World Tour 2021
***This paper outlines the experimental weaving project of an ancient Greek chlamys to investigate the weaving production capacity of a typical household and reconstruct women’s contribution to household GDP in ancient Greece. While some scholars have researched finer textiles and tech-niques based on visual evidence...

Before They Dyed. Mordants and Assists in the Textile Dyeing Process in Anglo-Saxon and Anglo-Scandinavian Britain: An Experimental Approach

Katarzyna Stasińska 1
Publication Date
The experiment aimed to investigate certain aspects of the textile dyeing process in Anglo-Scandinavian and Anglo-Saxon Britain: substances known as mordants and assists. This aspect of the dyeing process is often omitted by researchers, who mostly focus on dyestuff as a source of colour. Mordants and assists deserve wider research, however, as they play a great part in the dyeing process...

Sparks of the Past

the Netherlands

Our last Saturday opening will have a particularly fiery end. On this last opening of the year, we have all the ovens lit. You can see and smell how the ovens are used to cook, bake, forge and extract iron. Children can bake a delicious baguette and can try to make a fire themselves in the Iron Age way.

Samhain Celebration

Organised by
Earth Kin Events
United Kingdom

“Welcome, wild heart, to the Earth Kin Hearth… can you hear the voices of the old ones whispering the ancient stories on the wind? Can you smell the ghosts of the sacred herbs lingering in the air? Can you feel the pulse of the holy drums echoing beneath your feet…?

We thought you might. It’s no coincidence you’ve come here. . .”