
Discord server and working groups

One of the great strengths of EXARC is the diversity in skills and interests of its members. To foster cross-collaboration and interdisciplinary discussions, we are looking to create channels for working groups on our Discord server! These are intended to be informal groups for anyone interested in discussing topics that cross specialisms, such as specific crafts, sustainability, archaeological science, reenactment, and more. The aim is to have open chat channels that can be used at any time, as well as possibly hosting live events throughout the year, and any other suggestions that our members might have.

To suggest a possible working group, please respond to this anonymous poll. Feel free to vote for as many options as you would be interested in: We will aim to launch the first few working groups over the next couple of months, so watch this space for more information.

Some of you might be wondering what we mean by our Discord server. At the start of the COVID19 pandemic, several members of our wonderful volunteer team started an online platform on the server "Discord", where EXARC members could sign up and have instant access to different text and voice channels, as well as attend live events such as our 2020 conference and podcast recordings. The platform proved very successful for enabling direct networking between members. In the last year or two, it has been somewhat neglected, but we are currently redoing it and encourage all of our members to join so that they can become part of the discussion! You can sign up for free through this link:

We are looking forward to strengthening the EXARC network through these online platforms!