Together with UCD & INHP we enjoyed a wonderful conference in Dublin 15-18 January 2015. Over 200 delegates from almost 30 countries and a variety of backgrounds joined for three days of lectures, workshops and excursions revolving around experimental archaeology. Of course we also spent one day at an archaeological open-air museum, the Irish National Heritage Park.
On January 15th we met with our members during the two Round Tables, one "Universities on Experimental Archaeology" other "Associations on Experimental Archaeology". It was open to all EXARC members and we were happy to see almost 30 people joing in. The dissusions took all afternoon.
EXARC was well represented with over 30 of its members. At our Annual General Meeting on January 16th the year 2014 was closed and financial report approved by our members auditors. You can find our reports on our website (see About Us section). As soon as we have a final year report from our accountant, that will be added as well. EXARC members also got an overview of plans for 2015. With a few changes in the EXARC Board, the present composition is here.
During the whole conference we held a stand by the entrance to the conference hall. EXARC got 11 new members during those days, and we also sold our books and journals. We welcome new members.
Several OpenArch partners joined the conference as well (as they did in previous years). We had short meetings discussing the last year of our project.