The European Heritage Alliance 3.3 is an informal European sectoral platform that brings together Europe’s civil society organisations, historic cities and villages, museums, heritage professionals and many more. The Alliance represents a very large constituency composed of tens of millions of Europe’s citizens. Europa Nostra is acting as facilitator of the Alliance.
At the Alliance’s meeting in December 2022, many of the current challenges that the heritage sector has to address were discussed: Support for Ukraine, the Heritage Movement for Climate Action and the outcomes of the COP27, the New European Bauhaus initiative, the European Year of Youth 2022 and the European Year of Skills 2023. Most of these topics are included in the new EU Work Plan for Culture 2023-2026 approved by the Council of the European Union on 29 November 2022.
EXARC feels strongly about these subjects and we are therefore very happy that the members of the European Heritage Alliance approved our membership application and are glad to welcome EXARC as a new member of the Alliance. EXARC is happy to be in an active network together with ICOM, ICOMOS, NEMO and Interpret Europe to name just a few of the 52 members.