The 2023/1 EXARC Journal is bringing you seven reviewed and five mixed matter articles. All the articles are open access to allow for free exchange of information and further development of our knowledge of the past. There are some very interesting themes being discussed in this issue.
Among others we have the first three contributions from the Sustainable Revolution for Open-Air Museums Session from the ICOM conference in Prague 2022. These come from AOZA in Germany, Twah Longwar in India and an experiment testing the potential of a shared project in a ‘virtual’ open-air museum. More will follow.
The other reviewed articles tackle various topics: we have articles on experimental weaving with ceramic crescents, making peat charcoal, reconstruction of scarab stamp seals production chain and last but not least there is Hard Fun, an overlap between a pedagogic case study and an archaeological experiment.
From the mixed matter section, we would like to highlight two articles: the first part of the discussion with Ukrainians archaeologists on the topic Heritage in Times of War, and John Conyard’s experience from the 2,500th Anniversary of the Battle of Plataea, which took place on the 26-31 July 2022.