Back in 2019, the 11th International Experimental Archaeology #EAC took place in Trento Italy. We had close to 200 participants and we started discussing with our colleagues from the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland about the next conference.
But instead, we organised an online only conference in 2021, with a strong base in Exeter (UK) and it was only in 2023 we could meet in Poland.
How much the world changed in just four years, and how often did we have to change plans. We are thankful for the patience of all people involved. But in May, we went hybrid for the first time, and with great success! With about just as many presentations as in 2019, but a lot more volunteers, we reached a large audience, both online and in Poland itself. The quality of the presentation was very good, and more presentations than before are non-European.
Thanks to the sponsors, we could be online at no costs. But having said this, the attendance in Poland, in person, was good, with participants from as far away as Asia. The in-person networking only happens when you actually travel and meet up.
The video presentations remain online at https://www.youtube.com/@exarc and we expect the next conference in this series to take place in 2025. Until then, several of the papers will be published in the EXARC Journal https://exarc.net/journal. It was a pleasure to be in Poland, we thank our wonderful hosts in Toruń, and equally so everybody in cyberspace.