
Happy Holidays

We thank you all for your support in 2020. It has been a challenging year for many, also for us.

The coming year will bring some positive changes for EXARC: we are starting a new 4 years project about open-air museums and the documentation, digitization and sharing of their stories. We are also hoping to involve more volunteers on a steady base, and we will be working on implementing Our Vision more into our daily work.

Our Social Media are getting more active. The new Social Media team working hard is paying off. We have almost 40,000 people subscribed to our channels, of which 25% joined us this year. Also our interactive Podcast #FinallyFriday and other digital events are evolving nicely.

Above all, we look forward to the World Tour EAC12, which we hope will make a huge difference for many, as we will showcase experiments from all around the globe. See

But for now, we wish you all happy holidays!