
In Memory of Errett Callahan

EXARC mourns the death of Dr Errett Callahan (Sept. 17, 1937 – May 29, 2019). 

When we asked him: “Is there any message you would like to leave us with?”
Callahan said: “On a personal level, I have tried to encourage a traditional philosophy. I believe it is through traditions that cultures pass on their values from one generation to the next.  I believe that is what we should do now. (…) 

Looking back on my life’s work, I can see that there was too little stress upon trying to clarify archaeology. (…) My deepest interest lies in the searching out of research questions that explain archaeology, using clear thinking and an understanding of scientific investigation. (…) I have stressed the three levels of authenticity, Play Therapy, Primitive Technology, and Experimental Archaeology. Arguments abound on all sides. (…) Correct or not, this is what I have tried to accomplish in this life.”

Read the full interview: