
Overview of conferences and workshops on experimental archaeology

Germany, Greece, Russia, the Netherlands, Turkey, Argentina, South Africa, USA, Spain & Hungary. Full details:

13th International Iron Smelting Symposium, 2-6 Aug, Kolber Moor (DE)

Summer course on Experimental Neolithic Pottery, 13-18 Aug, Kiladha (GR)

Workshop experimental archaeometallurgy, 21 Aug - 3 Sep, Tatarstan (RUS)

EAA Session: Experimental archaeology pioneering for societal development?, Aug 31, Maastricht (NL)

Norwegian Forum For Experimental Archaeology, 21 - 23 Sept, Trondheim (NO)

20th (?) EXAR Tagung experimentelle Archäologie, 28 Sept - 1 Oct, Xanten (DE)

5th Congreso Internacional de Arqueologia Experimental, 25-27 Oct, Tarragona (ES)

6th (?) European Textile Forum 2017, 6-12 Nov, Mayen (DE)

11th International Symposium on Knappable Materials, 7-12 Nov, Buenos Aires (AR)

7th Conference on Reconstructive and Experimental Archaeology, 16-19 Nov, Colonial Williamsburg (USA)

Experimental Archaeology at the AAA Conference in Australia, December 4-8, Melbourne (AU)

1st African Conference on Experimental Archaeology (ACE), March 20-22 2018, Johannesburg, (RSA)

International Conference on History Studies, 30-31 March 2018, Istanbul (TR)

2nd Bronze Casting Festival 2018, 19-25 May 2018, Uelsen (DE)

International Obsidian Conference 2019, 27-29 May, Budapest (HU)