
Podcast: Seeing is Believing

Seeing objects from the past in museum exhibition cases is one thing, but seeing how those objects would have been handled by the ancient people who made them is even better!

In this month's episode of #FinallyFriday, Matilda is joined by two experts focusing on different ways that we can visualise the past.

Dr Yvonne Lammers-Keijsers is a keen re-enactor and an experienced archaeologist specialised usewear analysis, experimental archaeology, and public outreach. Her work as part of the managerial team at the Prehistoric Village at Eindhoven Museum focuses on designing, creating, and managing exhibitions, organising the large team of volunteers and re-enactors, and creating and implementing educational events.

Frank Wiersema is a professional photographer and videographer specialised in staging scenes from the past through collaborations with living history and experimental archaeology. His work has been used in exhibitions throughout Europe, and attempts through this visual medium to bring the past to life for a broader audience.

So listen in on your podcasting platform of choice to hear all about the trials of visualising the past in the modern day, the different approaches required in photography versus living history, and how to balance authenticity with relatability.