Thank you to everyone who joined our first launch event for our Re-enactment Working Group, which took place this past Sunday. The participants had a great chat and already discussed some interesting points and potential projects that they would be interested in pursuing through the working group:
- how events that hire reenactors often tend to focus on only military displays, and how this might impact public understanding of history. With this in mind, something we'd like to work on is advocating for greater representation of civilian life at events
- how it can be difficult to feel like reenactment is not taken seriously by mainstream academia, but there is more acceptance in recent years through things like the embodied turn/ a growing awareness of the value of experiential history. We hope to hold a mini conference on this topic some time in the future
- it was also noted that as a collection of reenactors, even just the people who were able to make the call, we cover a significant range of eras, geographies, and skills, which we can share with each other through presentations and workshops
If you are interested in joining the working group, and interacting with other like-minded individuals, head over to the EXARC Discord Server (link below). We will also be creating mailing lists for each working group - if you would like to be included, please email info@exarc.net with your name, email address, and the working groups you would like to be added to.