
"Times & Epochs", EXARC goes to Russia

21-23 June EXARC will take part in an international Re-enactment Festival in Russia. This festival "Times & Epochs" is taking place in the centre Moscow in the open-air museum “Kolomenskoye”. EXARC Board Member, Dr Bill Schindler from the USA, will represent EXARC both with a formal presentation and with more informal workshops.
During the festival there is International Congress of historical and re-enactment projects from the entire world. Participants present their projects/events. EXARC will explain we are active in over 30 countries and while we are serious in what we are doing, we are a good combination of academic people as well as craftspersons and others interested in our subjects. On the second day, contacts are a little more informal. It includes workshops as well as a tent camp with presentations about the period between the 9th and 20th century, about multi-period festivals et cetera. The third day concludes with a cultural program.
Please come and see us!