
Volunteer wanted: Website building

website volunteer wanted

Do you have experience with WordPress and/or Drupal and/or CMS? Then we need your help!

EXARC is a network with members based all over the world. In order to make sure that our members feel connected, and strengthen EXARC's sense of community, we have been working on several projects throughout this year. Reinstating the Discord has been extremely successful, and it's so wonderful to see everyone interacting on there (if you haven't joined it, it's currently open to both members and non-members alike, and you can join for free through the link below). We have also been launching our new Working Groups, which allow members with shared interests to come together and pool their resources and experiences. There are several more projects planned to launch before the end of the year, so make sure to keep an eye on our newsletter and socials.

To ensure that all of these new initiatives (plus our established journal, podcast, and conference series) are nice and accessible, we are currently developing a new website. And in order to make this process as stress-free as possible, we could do with some help! We are therefore looking for a new volunteer who already has experience in any or all of the following: WordPress, Drupal, CMS. The new website is currently set to launch in mid-September, so the volunteer should ideally have some time over the next few months to assist the website team in developing the new site. 

If this is something that interests you, please get back to us by the end of May, by emailing