
EXARC Coached

For a full year, the EXARC secretariat developed ideas, together with two senior coaches. These coaches were offered to us in order to sharpen our ideas, to define our next steps. We thank the Sesam Academy for their help. 

EXARC changed a lot over this period: we now have a team of almost 100 volunteers around the world, we have an office and, also because of COVID, many plans we already had been accelerated, like changing our printed EXARC Journal into an annual publication, becoming more of a world actor and having a stronger online presence. We also agreed that it is important to show our members the way in becoming more professional, but also in becoming more sustainable. 

For EXARC, it was a challenge to explain to our coaches what the power of EXARC is and can be – what makes us unique? Following on the definition of challenges, we will now focus on solving parts of these over the coming years. We place people in the focus, our members, our team, and of course also the public. 

Now, we need to not just talk about it, but actually go ahead and do it!