Approaches to the Documentation of Houses in Open-Air Museums 10560
Standardized Reporting of Experimental Iron Smelting - A modest (?) Proposal 10559
Oakbank Dog Rose: A Working-model of an Iron Age Wooden Whistle from a Loch Tay Crannog 10558
A Spark of Inspiration: Experimentally Testing Manganese Dioxide as a Fire Lighting Aide 10557
Weaving Production in Butser Ancient Farm Roundhouses in the South of England 10562
Traces of Manufacture, Use, Repair and Modification Observed on Ethnographic Throwing Sticks and Boomerangs 10556
The Process of Making Schist Axes of Paja Ul Deˀŋ – “The People of Big Water” 10555
Alternative Reconstruction of a First Century AD Roman Cavalry Saddle 10554
Irish Copper Axe-Ingots Recovered in Brittany: Experimental Casting to Recreate Porous Material 10553
A Shared Warp: The Woven Belts of the Lao Han People, China 10552
Discussion: The Concept of Authenticity in Collections of Open-Air Museums 10551
Book Review: Craft Beer Culture and Modern Medievalism: Brewing Dissent by Noëlle Phillips 10550
Conference Review: The Norwegian Forum for Experimental Archaeology 2020 10549
Book Review: Spaces that tell stories: Recreating Historical Environments by Donna R. Braden 10548
Book Review: Scelte Tecnologiche, Expertise e Aspetti Sociali della Produzione. Una Metodologia Multidisciplinare Applicata allo Studio della Ceramica Eneolitica by Vanessa Forte 10547
Book Review: The Bead Maker From Ribe: The Story of a Viking Craftsman by Thomas Risom 10546
Conference Review: Archaeological Approaches to the Study of the Potter’s Wheel, November 2020, via Discord and YouTube 10545
What was *platъ and how Did it Work? Reconstructing a Piece of Slavic Cloth Currency 10544
Let the Chips Fall Where They May: Evaluating the Impact and Effectiveness of Video Resources for Knowledge Transfer in Flint Knapping 10543
An Experiment with the Warp-weighted Loom and Heavy Loom Weights. The Case of the Giant Refractory Ceramic “Doughnuts” from North Piedmont, Italy 10542
Blending the Material and the Digital: A Project at the Intersection of Museum Interpretation, Academic Research, and Experimental Archaeology 10541
The Story of your Site: Archaeological Site Museums and Archaeological Open-Air Museums 10540
The Shroud of Turin and the Extra Sheds of Warping Threads. How Hard can it be to Set up a 3/1 Chevron Twill, Herringbone on a Warp-weighted Loom? 10539
Neolithic Bow Build at Kierikki Stone Age Centre (FI) 10538
Groundstone Indications from the Southern Levant for a 7th Millennium BCE Upright Mat Loom 10537
Crafting Beyond Habitual Practices: Assessing the Production of a House Urn from Iron Age Central Italy 10536
Documentation Strategies at Butser Ancient Farm 10535
Hunting for Use-Wear 10534
Testing Mesoamerican Lunate Artifacts as Possible Crescent Loom Weights 10533
Book Review: Ricostruire e Narrare. L’esperienza dei Musei archeologici all’aperto (Reconstructing and storytelling. The experience of archaeological open-air Museums) by M. Valenti 10532
Conference Review: A Weekend in Leiden: Knitting History Symposium, 2019 10531
Session Review: ASOR Experimental Archaeology Session, November 2019, San Diego, CA, USA 10530
Book Review: Experimental Archaeology: Making, Understanding, Story-telling by Souyoudzoglou-Haywood and O’Sullivan (eds) 10529
The Development of the 1st Cultural Exchange of Traditional Knowledge and Experimental Practices of the Peruaçu River Basin 10528
Experiment with Kindling Oil Lamps 10527
Roe Deer as Raw Material for Middle Mesolithic Fishhooks? An Experimental Approach to the Manufacture of Small Bone Fishhooks 10526
Experimental Archaeology in the Museum of Archaeology of Catalonia 10525
Digital Saryazd: Increasing Tourist Engagement Using Digital Documentation 10524
Techno-functional Study of the Personal Ornaments in Lignite of the Boira Fusca Cave (Cuorgnè, Torino-Italy) 10523
Experimental Research on the Neanderthal Musical Instrument from Divje Babe I Cave (Slovenia) 10522
Enhancing the Accuracy of Use Interpretation: The Discovery of a New Wear Formation with the Complementary Methods of Experimental Archaeology and Use-Wear Analysis 10521
Experimental Archaeology and Tacit Learning: Textiles in the Classroom 10520
An Analysis of Contemporary Sources to Uncover the Medieval Identity of the Drink Bochet 10519
Ceramicists, Apprentices or Part-Timers? On the Modelling and Assembling of Peak Sanctuary Figurines 10518
Warrior Training in Sagnlandet Lejre – An Exercise in Community, Camaraderie and Cooperation 10517
A Short Guide to Making Wax Tablets 10516
Book Review: With One Needle: How to Nålbind by Mervi Pasanen 10515
Conference Review: Experiencing Experimental Archaeology, May 2020 10514
Book Review: Viking and Iron Age expanded Boats by Ole Crumlin-Pedersen and Hanus Jensen 10513
Textiles 10512
Review: EXARC Volunteer Day 2020 10511
Book Review: Historical Brewing Techniques by Lars Marius Garshol 10510
Book Review: The Routledge Handbook of Reenactment Studies by Agnew, Lamb & Tomann (eds) 10509
Ancient Distillation and Experimental Archaeology about the Prehistoric Apparatuses of Tepe Gawra 10508
The Vertical Olive Crushing Mill as a Machine and its Energy Balance - A Preliminary Approach 10507
Bottle Gourd as an Implement for the Poor in Roman Italy 10506
Diet of the Poor in Roman Italy: An Exploration of Wild and Cultivated Plants as an Essential Dietary Component 10505
Smelting Conditions and Smelting Products: Experimental Insights into the Development of Iron Bloomery Furnaces 10504
Throwing Stick to Spear Thrower - Study of Ethnographic Artefacts and Experimentation 10503
Roar Ege: The Lifecycle of a Reconstructed Viking Ship 10502
Flax Fibre Extraction Techniques in the Late Middle Ages 10501
Trampling Experiments – A Contribution to the Pseudo-Retouch Issue 10500
Experience instead of Event: Changes in Open-Air Museums Post-Coronavirus 10499
Conference Review: Documentation Strategies in (Archaeological) Open-air Museums 10498
Book Review: Bronze Age Combat: An Experimental Approach by Raphael Hermann et al 10497
Conference Review: 2nd Experimental Archaeology Student Symposium 10496
Book Review: Iron Age Experience, Iron Age Kids and Kaptol - Hallstatt Food Workshop & Cookbook 10495
Ceramics 10410
Conference Review: The Later Prehistoric Finds Group Conference Crafting Identities: Making and Using Objects in the Bronze and Iron Ages 10494
Fire Beneath the Dome: Project to Evaluate the Efficiency of Clay Ovens in the Viking Museum Haithabu 10493
Conference Review: ICA II Conference Paris, France 10492
Book Review: Zivot experimentem. Sbornik praci k zivotnimu jubileu Bohumira Dragouna 10491
Socketed Axes of the Irish Late Bronze Age: Understanding the Internal Rib Phenomenon 10490
(De)constructing the Mesolithic. A History of Hut Reconstructions in the Netherlands 10489
Embossing Technique between III and II Century BC: Experiments and First Results 10488
Hafted Tool-use Experiments with Australian Aboriginal Plant Adhesives: Triodia Spinifex, Xanthorrhoea Grass Tree and Lechenaultia divaricata Mindrie 10487
Barely Scratching the Surface: An Experimental Approach to Engraved Magdalenian Plaquettes 10486
Columella’s Wine: a Roman Enology Experiment 10485
“A Mirror for Men” – Reconstructing a Medieval Polishing Bench and Putting it to the Test 10484
Fine Pottery Chaîne Opératoire from the Bronze Age site of Via Ordiere, Solarolo (RA, IT): Experiments on the Relationship between Surface Treatments and Function 10483
The Use and Relevance of Archaeological Open-Air Museums 10482
Experimental Research on the Setting up and Exploitation of the Human Prehistoric Habitat in the Middle Dniester Region 10481
Mining at Pozarrate: Applying Experimental Approaches to Understand the Neolithic Extraction of Flint in the Sierra de Araico (Treviño, Spain) 10480
Keep it in your own Backyard: New Experimental Perspectives on Domestic Iron Age Lithic Industries in the Northwestern Iberian Peninsula 10479
The Experimental Reconstruction of an Early Neolithic Underground Oven of Portonovo (Italy) 10478
Book Review: Mittelsteinzeit, ein Leben im Paradies? by Werner Pfeifer 10477
Experimental Study of Byzantine Chafing Dishes 10476
Reaching Out to the Communities We are Here to Serve: Developments at the Scottish Crannog Centre 10475
Book Review: Slow Tech by Peter Ginn 10474
Book Review: Experimentelle Archäologie in Europa, Jahrbuch 2019 10473
Conference Review: Reconstructive & Experimental Archaeology Conference REARC 2019 10472
Book Review: Interpreting the Environment at Museums and Historic Sites by Reid and Vali 10471
Adult Education 10407
Teaching Children 10408
Book Review: Architectures of Fire: Processes, Space and Agency in Pyrotechnologies edited by Dragos Gheoghiu 10470
Book Review: An Archaeology of Skill: Metalworking Skill and Material Specialization in Early Bronze Age Central Europe by Maikel H.G. Kuijpers 10469
Conference Review: Exploring Heritage, Museums Mediating Archaeology 10468
Art in the Serra: Project of Heritage Experiences in the Territory of the Serra Da Capivara National Park (BR) 10467
Event Review: NEMO Learning Exchange in Budapest (HU) 10466
Working with Artisans; The ‘It Depends’ Dilemma 10465