
Archaeological Science Working Group Launched

Thank you to everyone who joined the launch event for our new archaeological science working group. It was great to meet everyone, and discuss what kinds of research are currently being worked on.

It was agreed by those who joined today that one of the main aims in joining this working group is to expand research networks but also learn more about the field of archaeological science in relation to experimental archaeology / living history. To that end, the following suggestions were made and will be developed further:

Podcast: The Past in Mind

In this month's episode of #FinallyFriday, we're discussing how experimental archaeology projects can help in developing well-being!

Megan Russell is a PhD student leading the Experimental Health Project. After working in commercial archaeology, Megan saw the potential of experimental archaeology being used as a tool to increase mental health. She is exploring how other aspects of archaeology such as craft can contribute to mental health as a more accessible option.