EXARC Journal - Latest Articles

Anglo-Saxon Beads: Redefining The “Traffic Lights”

Sue Heaser 1
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Many thousands of glass beads have been excavated from Early British cemeteries of the fifth and sixth centuries AD. Amongst these beads is a type that was particularly common: decorated polychrome beads in red, yellow, and green glass in a variety of styles and combinations. Birte Brugmann, in her 2004 analysis of Saxon-period glass beads (Brugmann, 2004), named these beads “Traffic Light” (TL) beads...

“Cuts Stones of all Sorts, In the Best Manner…”: Experiments in 18th Century lapidary work in America

E. Giovanna Fregni 1
Publication Date


Colonial Williamsburg is unique among open-air museums. It encompasses 70 hectares (173 acres), where there are no barriers, except for motorised vehicles. Visitors can walk along the streets and visit shops, although an admission ticket is needed to enter workshops and interpretive centres.  People working at Colonial Williamsburg are dressed in period costumes and are well versed in both history, the crafts they demonstrate, and in explaining them to the public.

Conference Review: Innovation begins within. Resilient museums in times of disruption, NEMO 2022

Roeland Paardekooper 1
Publication Date
The Network of European Museum Organisations (NEMO) celebrated their yearly conference in October 2022 in Loulé, Portugal. More than 200 people attended. EXARC is a member of NEMO and we decided to take a look. The format of the conference was not tedious at all, and everything was well organised. This made it easy to take in the information from the presenters...

Obituary: Anne Reichert (10 June 1935 - 8 May 2022)

Sabine Karg 1 ✉,
Johanna Banck-Burgess 2,
Renate Ebersbach 2,
Wolfram Schier 1,
Helmut Schlichtherle 2
Publication Date
Shortly before her 87th birthday Anne Reichert, well known for her archaeological reconstructions throughout Europe, died at her home in Southern Germany. From the 1980s onwards she started her career as a freelance and self-taught experimental archaeologist...