EXARC Journal - Latest Articles

The Experimenter's Body: Movement as an Artifact

Thaisa Martins 1
Publication Date
This paper  summarises a part of the discussions carried out in the author's MA in Archaeology at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - Brazil. Starting from the question “when the only thing we have is the archaeologist’s body, how can we do archaeology?” We propose to engage with methodologies and theories from the field of Dance to analyse the experimenter’s body in experimental archaeology research...

Book Review: Investigations into the Dyeing Industry in Pompeii by H. Hopkins Pepper

Mante van den Heuvel 1
Publication Date
I was honoured to be asked to write a review on H. Hopkins Pepper´s “Investigations into the Dyeing Industry in Pompeii” as well as a bit nervous… Who am I, a non-scholar to write a review on a PhD. Then I realised that there might not be that many people who read this kind of literature for fun and on a regular basis. I still feel a bit like an imposter, but here is my view on the Hopkins´ book.

Pit Preserve from Ida – on the Problem of Charred Seeds from Prehistoric Pits

Lutz Zwiebel 1
Publication Date


A wild seed propagator and gardener (such as myself) relies on years of close human-plant interaction. The adaptability of domesticated and many wild plants to human economy and behaviour has always thrilled me. When I first read archaeological reports of frequent and large amounts of prehistoric charred seeds that were dumped in the ground I was bemused. It contrasted starkly with the care and sensitivity I use in the processes of seed harvest, drying and selection. So I started reading more and also charring seeds myself.

RETOLD: Open-air Museum Mobile Applications UX Report - Looking for Inspiration

Pau Sanchis Rota 1
Publication Date
This article presents the methodology and results of the report on Open-air Museums Mobile Apps, developed by the RETOLD Project in October 2021. From the analysis of a sample composed by 15 Open-air Museums mobile applications, three models for Open-air museums mobile apps are proposed according to different visit experiences.

A Tablet Woven Band from the Oseberg Grave: Interpretation of Motif and Technique

Bente Skogsaas 1
Publication Date


The textile fragments from the Oseberg tomb (834 AD) in Norway are considered the world's largest and most important textile finds from the Viking Age. Among the textiles, 48 tablet-woven bands were identified and roughly divided into five categories by Margareta Nockert: I) Brocade, II) Tabby, III) Mixed I and II, IV) Ready threaded and V) Three or more colours without brocade (Nockert, 2006, pp. 147-155).

The Arrow Quiver of the Iceman Reconstruction Attempts and the Special Significance of the Fur Material

Markus Klek 1
Publication Date
In 1991, the sensational discovery of a male mummy, thawing from the ice, was made on the Tisenjoch in the Ötztal Alps, near the Austrian-Italian border. The deceased man lived about 5300 years ago at the end of the Neolithic Age and is commonly known as Ötzi in German-speaking countries. The site also contained many well-preserved accompanying items and equipment...