EXARC Journal - Latest Articles

Conference Review: EXARC at the European Archaeology Days Forum in Paris 2023

Ligeri Papagiannaki 1
Publication Date
On January 20, the INRAP, overall coordinator of the European Archaeology Days (EAD), invited the national coordinators as well as several partners of the event at the UNESCO in Paris for a day of get-together and discussions. 19 countries were represented during the Forum, with the participation of 26 national coordinators. Lygeri Papagiannaki represented EXARC...

The 2,500th Anniversary of the Battle of Plataea, 26-31 July 2022. Recreating the Cavalry

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Delayed by the pandemic, the 2022 event was organised with the support of the local community, the Ephorate of Antiquities, and the re-enactment group ‘Hoplologia’ lead by Christian Cameron.  Using re-enactors to commemorate their Classical history was, for a variety of political and religious reasons, an important step for the Greek authorities to take. Christian gathered around ninety very experienced and passionate re-enactors and reconstructors in Plataea from at least eight different counties, at their own expense.

Discussion: Heritage in Times of War - part 1

Andriy Kotlyarchuk 1 ✉,
Vladyslav Chabanyuk 2,
Volodymyr Ilkiv 3,
Andrij Petrauskas 4,
Olga Postnikova 5
Publication Date
With the beginning of the full-scale war in Ukraine, along with the preservation of the integrity of the state and the preservation of people's lives, the issues of preserving cultural heritage and national identification became acute. The museums and nature reserves that did not fall under the occupation did not stop working...

Event Review: Experimental Archaeology in Denmark 2022

Jannie Marie Christensen 1
Publication Date

Following up on the inception meeting back in November 2021 it was clear that a meeting opportunity for researchers, museum workers, craftspeople and practitioners in experimental archaeology was missing. A year later it was interesting to follow up on the forum to see if it was actual viable and if there was a desire to continue in its current form.

Conference Review: The 6th CONEXP held between October 25-28 2022 at Pézenas (FR)

Javier Baena Preysler 1 ✉,
Antoni Palomo 2
Publication Date
From 25 to 28 October 2022, we celebrated the 6th International Congress of Experimental Archaeology at Pézenas (France) with the support of the Experimental Association, EXARC, and several local and national French institutions that included INRAP. This Congress, which started in Santander (Cantabria) in 2005, and after that was organized in Ronda (Granada) 2008, Banyoles (Girona) 2011, Burgos 2014...

Launching an Experimental Archaeology Course at the Undergraduate Level

Jake Morton 1 ✉,
Austin Mason 2
Publication Date
This article describes the process of designing and running a new course on Experimental Archaeology and Experiential History at a small liberal arts college in central Minnesota. We discuss the general methodological and pedagogical goals for the course, a representative three-week sequence of readings and labs based on the lives of shepherds, and the pedagogical and digital infrastructure...