EXARC Journal - Latest Articles

Different Vessel Surface Polishing Methods and Mutual Effects of their Applications

Joanna Dymańska 1,
Aleksandra Cetwińska 1 ✉,
Dariusz Manasterski 1
Publication Date
The discovery of an excavated cup with a glossy surface prompted reflection on the polishing of vessel surfaces and their mutual significance. We present the results of the application of three different polishing methods along with a reflection on their function and on the skills and ability of the potter...

Event Review: 40 years of cooperation between the University of Vienna and MAMUZ

Franz Pieler 1
Publication Date
The University of Vienna “Practice of Experimental Archaeology” course took place from June 30th to July 3rd at MAMUZ Schloss Asparn/Zaya. Under the guidance of their tutors, numerous students worked on the implementation of theoretical experiments that they had previously prepared and designed...

Virtual Reality – 1 Project - 13 Museums

Ulrike Braun 1
Publication Date
Visitors in 13 museums in the rural area around the city of Lüneburg (Lower Saxonia, Germany) can now discover different aspects of the interrelationship between man and nature within a virtual world. Six themes or titles guide through to whole story, like nature means threat, or nature means work or beauty, etc. symbolised by a silhouette.

Conference Review: The Historical Metallurgy Society’s Second Accidental and Experimental Conference, June 2022

E. Giovanna Fregni 1
Publication Date

The Second Accidental and Experimental Conference was held on 10-12 June 2022 after multiple delays due to the pandemic. This year it was held at the Ancient Technology Centre in Cranbourne, East Dorset, England. The event was organised by Vanessa Castagnino on behalf of the Historical Metallurgy Society (https://historicalmetallurgy.org/).

Book Review: MI-60. Studies in Experimental Archaeometallurgy: Methodological Approaches from Non-Ferrous Metallurgies by Georges Verly et al (eds)

Terry Runner 1
Publication Date
Issue 60 of Monographies Instrumentum, titled Studies in Experimental Archaeometallurgy, methodological Approaches from Non-ferrous Metallurgies, exhibits 10 papers presented at the first International Conference on Non-Ferrous Metal Metallurgy and Experimental Archaeology – Metallurgie des non-ferreux et archeologie experimentale ICA I. The conference was held at the Museum of Art and History...