EXARC Journal - Latest Articles

Casting a Copper Age Axe Using a Replica of the Marl Mould Found in Baffoni Cave (AN)

Mauro Fiorentini 1
Publication Date

These three artefacts suggested that some kind of metal working had most probably been carried out in the cave: Radmilli first described the mould as “a clay mould for casting… containing a piece of copper” (Radmilli, 1956, pp.

Drawing Wire

Henriette Lyngstrøm 1
Publication Date

Chain mail

It is well known that in the Iron Age wire was made from gold, silver, and copper – but it is a relatively new realization in Northern Europe that wire was also extracted from bog iron ore. Metallurgical insight into how rings in chain mail are made, opened up the possibility of experimental archaeological experiments to learn how the process of making wire, as well as bending and welding it, was carried out in the Iron Age.

Experimenting with the Ancient Greek Pottery Production Process from Clay Selection to Firing in a (Re)constructed Updraft Kiln

Francesca Tomei 1 ✉,
Juan Ignacio Jimenez Rivero 2
Publication Date


This experimental project aimed to reproduce the Hellenistic (fourth-third century BC) Greek pottery production process. The project was conducted by the authors, Francesca Tomei, PhD graduate in Archaeology at the University of Liverpool, and Juan Ignacio Jimenez Rivero, a ceramist specializing in replicating ancient pottery technology, who frequently collaborates with the Department of Classics, Ancient History, Archaeology and Egyptology, University of Manchester, on ceramic experimental archaeology projects and activities.

Book Review: Rethinking Heritage for Sustainable Development by Sophia Labadi

Jordana Maguire 1
Publication Date
The concept of heritage has long been associated with the preservation and commemoration of our collective cultural legacy. In the context of development, however, heritage takes on a multifaceted role, encompassing not only the preservation of historical artefacts and traditions but also their active integration into processes that drive socioeconomic progress.


George Tomegea 1
Publication Date
After two years of implementing the RETOLD Project, we made a SWOT Analysis of the current stage of using digital technology in the daily activities of open-air museums, as far as documentation, digitization and sharing heritage are concerned. The analysis was made based on the answers from a questionnaire applied in the three partner museums involved in the projects...

Book Review: Draft Animals in the Past, Present and Future by Claus Kropp and Lena Zoll (eds)

Rena Maguire 1
Publication Date
The domestication and subsequent training of strong animals to pull vehicles was a game changer for humans. Just like the first person who jumped onto a horse and hung on as they veered giddily towards a new horizon, driving and draft meant that humans got places faster – goods could be stored in a vehicle for longer journeys, trade goods became more than what a human could carry on their backs...

RETOLD: Review of the Meeting at ASTRA, Sibiu, March 2023

George Tomegea 1
Publication Date
At the end of March 2023 the second face-to-face meeting of the partners from the RETOLD Project was organised in Sibiu. The host was the ASTRA National Museum Complex. The meeting took place in the Open-Air Museum of Dumbrava Sibiului, one of the largest open air museums in Europe that comprises over 400 traditional dwellings...