EXARC Journal - Latest Articles

RETOLD: Review of the Meeting at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), June 2022

Clara Masriera i Esquerra 1
Publication Date
In June 2022, the first onsite RETOLD project meeting took place in the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), hosted, and organised by the Prehistory department. The meeting in Barcelona was important to introduce the RETOLD project to a wider public of specialists and students, and to test the idea of the web-app for the first time with all partners and some expert guests...

Where Two Worlds Meet - Living History and Heritage Locations

Luc Eekhout 1
Publication Date
The Netherlands have an abundance of heritage locations: museums, monuments, windmills. A favorite pastime of many senior citizens is to take responsibility for this heritage as volunteer guides, amateur historians, and so on. Their traditional contribution to the Dutch heritage sector is tremendous. But at the same time there is a ...

Celebrating International Museum Day 2023... Internationally

Aija Héloïse Pince 1
Publication Date
In order to celebrate International Museum Day 2023, I strived to make a change in a personal format to mark the occasion as being as international as possible. Back in the day, when I was working at Dar al-Athar al-Islamiyyah, we marked the day as near as possible. Given that May was going to be too hot for comfort, we usually celebrated a month earlier...

Conference Review: ACTION! Museums in the Climate Crisis, NEMO 2023

Julia Heeb 1
Publication Date
The NEMO European Museum Conference 2023: and… ACTION! Museums in the climate crisis took place in Lahti, Finland from 19-21 November. Almost 300 museum professionals from all over Europe took part, listening, discussing, and being inspired by a variety of formats and speakers. EXARC's Vice-Chair, Dr Julia Heeb from Stadtmuseum Berlin, was present...

Strategy of Presenting Prehistoric Sites Like an Open-air Stand. Why and How and from a Sustainable Development Perspective

Mona Abo Azan 1
Publication Date


One of the heritage resources of prehistoric sites, where prehistory is a diverse and wide-ranging field of study, appears as the triple determination between geography and climate, humans and their type of social organisation. Prehistory has bequeathed us evocative monuments and landscapes from the earliest human occupation, spanning enormous environmental and technological changes, and including several human species. Thus, prehistoric sites have great meaning in both natural and cultural history.

“I’m really sorry my wife is not here today. She thinks I’m off my head.” How Open-air Museums can Create Programmes for People Affected by Dementia - Examples from Den Gamle By (DK)

Martin Brandt Djupdræt 1 ✉,
Henning Lindberg 1,
Anne Marie Rechendorf 1
Publication Date


In 2012, Den Gamle By opened the ‘House of Memory’, accomodation specially furnished for sessions with people affected by dementia. It is a three-room apartment with accessibility for wheelchair users, a functional toilet and kitchen, two living rooms, a hallway and a bedroom. As collaborating partners, memory researchers from Aarhus University and the Department of Health and Care at Aarhus Municipality assisted with their knowledge.

Experimental Archaeology and the Sustainability of Dental Calculus Research: The Case of Chocolate and the Nuns Of S. Maria Della Stella’s Church, Saluzzo, Italy

Sarah Sandron 1 ✉,
Anita Radini 2,
Dominique Scalarone 3,
Beatrice Demarchi 1,
Rosa Boano 1,
Alison Beach 4,
Cynthianne Spiteri 1
Publication Date
In Italy, chocolate (Theobroma cacao L.) was introduced during the Columbian exchange, and it quickly became both an important and accessible part of the Italian culinary tradition. Today, Italy is Europe’s second-largest chocolate producer...