EXARC Journal - Latest Articles

Book Review: Performing Heritage: Research, Practice and Innovation in Museum Theatre and Live Interpretation by Anthony Jackson & Jenny Kidd (eds)

Kirsty Sullivan 1
Publication Date
This useful text brings together recent thinking about museum theatre and the performance of heritage, offering a range of international case studies to its readers as evidence of the discipline’s usefulness in interpreting the past for visitors...

Ways of Structuring and Organizing an Archaeological Open-Air Museum

Clara Imeyer 1
Publication Date
In February 2014 Clara Imeyer, student of International Tourism Management at the Hochschule Bremen, Germany, completed her Bachelor thesis with the title Ways of Structuring and Organizing an Archaeological Open-Air Museum – Analysis of the Iron Age House Venne...

Conference Review: OpenArch, The Value and Scale of the Experimental Archaeology Approach, Kierikki Stone Age Centre (FI), June 2014

Leena Lehtinen 1
Publication Date
The VII OpenArch Conference took place from 11 to 15 June 2014 at Kierikki Stone Age Centre, 50 kilometres northeast of Oulu in Northern Finland. The conference was jointly organised by Kierikki and the University of Exeter, which are in charge of Working Package 5, “Dialogue with Science”...

Interview: the Association of Historical Studies Koryvantes

Márta Pócza 1
Publication Date
“The Koryvantes Association was founded in 2009 by people with a background in the study of ancient Greek warfare who were not satisfied by the level of reconstructions undertaken so far in Greece and internationally and who wished to ultimately adopt a framework based on experimental archaeological methodology...

Book Review: "Experiments Past" Edited by Jodi Reeves Flores & Roeland P. Paardekooper

Clara Masriera i Esquerra 1
Publication Date
The publication in 1979 of the John Coles’ book Experimental Archaeology can be called the vademecum of the experimental archaeology. Many particular experiments have been published since then, such as A Bibliography of Replicative Experiments in Archaeology (Graham et al. 1972) and...

Interview: Scientific Tools Applied within Archaeology and Historical Re-enactment: Dr Gábor Szollosy on the Implementation of Experimental Archaeology in Hungary

Márta Pócza 1
Publication Date

How do you personally approach the concept of experimental archaeology?

Experimental archaeology - in my opinion - has the main and only aim to find answers to questions where classical archaeological methods fail to find them.