EXARC Journal - Latest Articles

Discussion: Experimental versus Experiential Archaeology

Edwin Deady 1,
E. Giovanna Fregni 2 ✉,
Alexander Stewart 3,
Tine Schenck 4,
Chris Thomas 5,
Kate Verkooijen 6,
Sonja Natus 7,
Merryn Dineley 8
Publication Date
This is an extract from a lengthy and lively Facebook discussion in the Experimental Archaeology group, illustrating the main points as it took place between 16 August 2014 and 22 August 2014. The full discussion can be found at: www.facebook.com/groups/experimentalarchaeology

Two Reconstructions of Prehistoric Houses from Torun (Poland)

Grzegorz Osipowicz 1 ✉,
D. Nowak 1,
Justyna Kuriga 1
Publication Date
In 1998 the Society for Experimental Primeval Archaeology (SEPA) was founded at the Institute of Archaeology at the Nicolaus Copernicus University (NCU) in Toruń. Since its beginnings, SEPA members have dedicated a great effort to engaging in numerous scientific experiments with the aim to present human lifestyle in prehistoric times in general...

Putting on a Show - The How and Why of Historical Shows and Theatre in a Historical Setting or Theme-park

Jaap Hogendoorn 1 ✉,
Erik Collinson 2
Publication Date
As long as people have walked the earth, stories have been told; from stories around the campfire told by older people to entertain and educate the young, to 15th century knights dressing up as Romans during themed tournaments. Telling a story is putting on a little show; a show is a great way to tell a story... Including Spartacus in Archeon by Erik Collinson

Get into the Grave: Notions of Community Social Identity in a Late 3rd Millennium Site, Derived from an Experimental Carving of a Shaft Tomb at Ramat Bet Shemesh (Israel)

Yoav Tsur 1,
Nofar Kahalani 1,
Yitzhak Paz2 ✉,
Roi Nickelberg2
Publication Date
Khirbet el-Alia is a large mound, located north-east of Tel Yarmouth, in the Ramat Bet Shemesh region of Israel. An excavation that was conducted north of the mound revealed the remains of a settlement and an adjacent cemetery of shaft graves, dating back to the Intermediate Bronze Age (IBA)...

Obituary: Mats Geschwind, Founder of Storholmen Viking Village (20 May 1961 - 25 May 2014)

Eva IJsveld 1 ✉,
Björn M Buttler Jakobsen 2
Publication Date
The Viking Village Storholmen is an archaeological open-air museum, beautifully situated near Lake Erken, ten kilometres north of the coastal town of Norrtälje, Roslagen, Sweden. The Viking Village is situated in an exciting and historically important region that shows traces of substantial connections throughout the Baltic Sea and further east...

Interview: “You’re not Replacing the Museum, you’re Advertising it” with Linda Hurcombe

Gijs Klompmaker 1
Publication Date
Linda Hurcombe, senior lecturer at the University of Exeter, visited the Hunebedmuseum in Borger ( NL) as part of a staff exchange for the OpenArch project. She talked about how to twin new tech-nologies, such as 3D-printing, within archaeology and museums...